Friday, December 4, 2009

Tiger Woods: Measuring the real damage | Buzz Study | Do actions affect choices/brands?

Posted by Adam Coomes on December 03, 2009
Entertainment, Offbeat, Sports, TV

Last week, the world received news of Tiger Woods being hospitalized with serious injury from a car accident. The world felt sorry for Tiger, wished him well, and waited in anticipation for news of his recovery. This week, the world has a different perspective. As details began to spill, the world had learned that his car accident was the result of Tiger fleeing from his wife as she chased after him, bashing his car with a golf club from news of his unfaithful behavior. How did the public react? How has the sentiment changed? Let’s do some research.

First, let’s compare the topics of conversation around Tiger Woods before news broke of his alleged affairs.

Tiger Woods Topics (Before News Broke of Affairs):
Tiger Woods Cloud Before

Tiger Woods Topics (After News Broke of Affairs):

Tiger Woods Sentiment Before Accident:
Tiger Woods Sentiment Before

Tiger Woods Sentiment After News Of Affairs:
Tiger Woods Sentiment After

We then go on to measure which topics were being discussed the most around Tiger Woods chatter. Below are some of the topics we analyzed. We included some of the hot topics, including the names of potential mistresses being mentioned.

Tiger Woods Topics

We also wanted to take a quick peek at the Nike. Let’s see if there’s any real effect or association of this negativity with their brand.

Tiger Woods mentions within Nike chatter
Tiger Woods within Nike

Nike Sentiment within Tiger Woods conversations

Nike Tiger Woods Before

Nike Tiger Woods After

Nike’s negativity did increase this past week, but not significantly. We can certainly conclude that Nike’s brand wasn’t severely affected by this mess. However, Tiger Woods’ brand certainly has been. It will be interesting to see how this plays out and how this continues to affect his brand in the coming weeks.

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While you may or may not think of this as "news" it is about Brand - has it affected brand / your choices / your decisions?

Posted via web from LJJ Speaks!

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