Sunday, December 13, 2009

LJj Speaks: Blogpost: Process Makes Perfect? Or does it?!!!

Are you ready for the week?  Do you have the tools you need to succeed?  Our best laid plans often get interrupted when we begin to stray from processes we set up to help us reach our goals?  Why is that?

1) The phone rings with an unexpected call.
2) The emails are piling up unreturned.
3) A friend stops by your office to say hi.
4) Your boss calls you in unexpectedly to start a new project.

The simple answer to all of this is to ignore it all and just work toward your own goals. Set up your processes and move forward.

Let’s pretend for a moment that is what we do - look what can happen: 
1) You miss the call that alerts you to a new opportunity saving you time and making you  money.
2) You ignore the emails that invite you to an event that will connect you to just the right person to make you even more successful.
3) You stop looking friends in the eye because you’re too busy - and then when you do want to connect you are amazed that you don’t receive return phone calls. 
4) You tell your boss you’re overwhelmed and then are overlooked for the next promotion.

Processes do make a difference. They can free up your time because when they work smoothly, they allow you to organize and be more productive.  Yet sometimes you can become so set in stone with a process that it stops you from connecting to new ideas and new avenues of business.

Proven processes are like a great symphony. You can hear the sound of the work flowing at the right pace. Then, just as quickly someone hits a sour note or someone applauds before the last note is struck.  Your pace is off, and your faced with a choice.  Do you ignore the sharp edges? Do you falter at the early accolades? Or, do you listen to the changes that are coming your way - and become an even stronger conductor?

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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