Thursday, December 31, 2009

This is why @tgates48 / Tony Gates and FaceBook has re-energized my Old Year Resolution!

I have made my declaration known. Now that I've stepped on the scale - I am adding successful pounds to that goal (I first said lose 25 pounds in 2010 then stepped on the scale and gasped!) 

New Year Resolution:  39 Pounds Lighter in 2010!

Thank you to Tony Gates - Professional Motivator and Coach!  
Thank you to my new Gal Pals who are in joined the FB Group to lose weight and gain even more success!

Tony commented on my blog post on Renewing Old Resolutions:   (  Link to blog post here:  )

Tony Gates said...
I LOVE it, Lynne!! You have, effectively, broke the cycle you were in. You've done it differently, so your results will be different. Your implementation will be different, and, as a result, your LIFE will be different! You have made my month!!

You should now put up your starting weight (not necessarily known to everybody, unless you want, it, but at least known to a few close friends) and your goal weight.

Weigh in weekly (no more often). I recommend you weigh in completely unclothed and immediately after waking up on whatever morning you designate your weigh-in day. Use the same scale throughout the process (a digital scale that reads in tenths of a pound).

I am more than willing to "referee" it for you!

By the way, my Twitter is at, and my Linked in is at

I'm in your corner!

LJj says:  OK Gulp for all to see.

Current Weight:  163.8

Success! Weight:  125

Join me in the LIVE IT! (why would I go on a diet - that has the word DIE in it!) 

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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