Tuesday, December 29, 2009

LJj Speaks BlogPost: Re-Energize OLD Resolutions!

I always try my best to think of a New Year Resolution that will make a difference. I want one that means something to me, one that I will keep!  Last year I created a google doc to track my resolution of exercising every day, adding my weight weekly and counting my calorie and beverage intake.  I also put a column in to briefly state who I met with in work and life. The last time I opened it (I just checked) was February 26, 2009.  I also checked my weight and I have to admit that since my 2009 resolution, I have gained 8 pounds!  Now that is being honest in my failings! 

This year I spoke with Tony Gates, Professional coach and motivational guru.  He shared with me three tips that I can use to help me make a resolution that will make an impact. 
Already I can see what I did last year that was so “wrong”

1) Make ONE resolution and make it public.   If you take a look at what I did last year I made about 10 resolutions and incorporated them into one place for tracking. I didn’t tell anyone about the resolution.  Deep down I want to lose weight and exercise more.  Instead of making my resolution “I will exercise three times per week - I made it part of a litany of resolutions that became overwhelming.  I immediately underperformed in each resolution I made. The consequences of this are visible for all to see.

2) Dig Deep and make the resolution matter to you in a very personal way.   Tony says that a resolution is important.  Resolutions help us review what we have been doing in our life that has made an impact for the good or bad.  It’s critical for us to make a resolution that has meaning, one that brings great joy or a feeling of accomplishment.  It’s also important to hold yourself accountable and have others help you stay accountable for the resolution.

3) Do not separate personal and professional resolutions.  There is no difference between a personal and a professional resolution. You cannot wear a different mask in your personal and professional life.  Tony says if you try to build two different lives the wall you have built will come down and expose the real person you are.  Begin now to knock the wall down and be honest in your resolution.  Your resolution will impact you in all facets of your life and cannot be separated.

To Tony Gates top three tips for  resolutions that makes an impact I will add two more.  

4) Congratulate yourself.  Tell people when you’ve hit a milestone on your resolution. Share the good news.  Celebrate when you do well and seek support when you fall. 

5) Put the NEW in the resolution daily. Software company owner and social networking philanthropist Paul Jendrasiak says he doesn’t make resolutions because he looks at each day and faces it head on with vigor. He makes a new year resolution every day and then he tackles it.  For those who are not quite ready to embrace that organizational brilliance, choose to make your ONE resolution fresh every day. Keep it in a place where you see it. You can even go so far as to set an alarm each day that shows up on your calendar with your resolution on it!  

With all I wrote above it’s time to make my New Year Resolution. This resolution is very specific and is very personal to me.  I know that when it becomes reality it will have a huge impact on me.  It is a very “visual” resolution and studies show that I will become more profitable and content as my resolution is achieved.  Thanks to Tony and ALL of my colleagues, along with my friends and family I know I will be held accountable. I resolve to lose 25 pounds in 2010.  Let it be written. Let it be done.  

You can reach Tony Gates in Facebook, Linked IN and Twitter:  TonyGates48
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You can reach Paul Jendrasiak : 
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Connect to  Lynne Jarman-Johnson

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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