Monday, December 14, 2009

If we only had 10 extra minutes.... Harvard Business Review Tip of the Day

Take Back 10 MinutesA day of back-to-back meetings is exhausting and overwhelming. Running from meeting to meeting, you leave an inbox full of unanswered emails and undoubtedly start to run late to your afternoon appointments. Stop the madness by insisting on 50-minute meetings. What can be done in 60 minutes can easily be done in 50 with some focus and discipline. Defy the default in your calendar and send meeting requests that end 10 minutes before the hour. This will allow you, and everyone else, to take a quick break, check email, and restore some sanity to your day.  (Adapted from David Silverman's the 50 Minute Meeting) 

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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