Do You Give Away Your Services For Free?
The ForbesWoman community discusses how to be helpful and build client loyalty while staying true to your business."> |
Lida Citroën, a branding and marketing consultant with two decades as a leader in corporate and nonprofit organizations, pressed her lips together when she realized that once again she would've been better off--and better compensated--if she had just kept mum.
"In my enthusiasm and passion for sharing, I tend to give a lot of information, advice and suggestions away ... for free," she posts on ForbesWoman's LinkedIn group. Her confession ends with a plea to others in the group who run their own businesses and set their own rates: "I'd love some suggestions and best practices for getting paid for my knowledge."
"You're not alone," agrees fellow consultant Leslie Knight, who lives near Tulsa, Okla. "As women, our nature is to be helpful and share. I struggle with it as well."
Next up to open up was Kjelene Bertrand: "I've never thought about how much I give away until now," writes the producer and host of Albany, NY's Voices of Success Talk Radio. "The heart that gives gathers! Does that statement suffice for business too? Of course it does my friends! Lida, do you have a page on your Web site for [fees for] services? If so, refer your proposed clients to that page of your site. If they want to pay for it they will. I may have to do the same."
Renne Leatto makes a solid link between the economy and client loyalty. "Unfortunately, the recession has reduced client loyalty, and many businesses would rather get a deal every time rather than patronize the same vendor they know and feel a comfort level with," writes Leatto, president of i. karumbah, an Orlando, Fla.-based creative agency. "It always seems to be a balancing act, and I see professional men dealing with it as well as women. I have a producer friend who has been undercharging and over-delivering in hopes of building client loyalty. Although his work is exceptional, some of the clients he has given the most to in the past couple of years have stabbed him in the back. It's taught me to go in with boundaries drawn, at least in my mind, before I begin a project."
"I too am a big culprit" of dropping pearls of wisdom for free, chimes in Imelda McGrattan, a sales strategist with her own agency in Ireland. "I am learning to give little appetizers now, and then shutting my big mouth! Setting a boundary and then making a formal business appointment. If the value you are adding to a business is more than they are paying for it and you can articulate that, you are on a winner."
Citroën, whose business is based in Greenwood Village, Colo., ponders the comments and adds one more of her own: "I think for some people, the passion for hearing themselves talk is probably driven by a need to seem smart, but for us it comes from our willingness to help, share and inform. Unfortunately, it's sometimes hard to earn a living being helpful.""I share a lot of my 'free' knowledge with the two nonprofits I'm passionate about," she shares. "To me, helping them helps the communities they serve (children with Down syndrome and children who've been abused). I never hesitate to pour out information, strategy, tips and suggestions. For potential clients, however, there's that fine line between showing competency and giving knowledge away. I love your 'appetizer' suggestions--whet their whistle, but let them pay for the rest."
"I believe in 'fee integrity,'" says Heather Fraser, owner of The Growth Coach-Miami. "I establish the worth of my services and integrate it mentally and strategically in my business. We often undervalue our services. As a result, we attract clients who respond accordingly. We are business owners with expenses to meet. This is the reality we face. Therefore we should expect to be paid handsomely for the fine services provided."
Score one for you, Heather, chimes in Bernadette Phillips, an Irish intuitive coach and motivational speaker. "The worth that we attribute to ourselves is directly linked to the fee that we charge. We indeed do deserve to be 'paid handsomely' for providing excellent services. Therefore, if you give too much of your knowledge and ideas away for free, you somehow I believe diminish the value of your service. Something that works really well is having a 'pay it forward' element built in as part of your business: Those that you choose to assist 'for free' make a commitment to assist others on their way. It's a nice win-win solution for all."
Co-chairman of Young Enterprises, a U.K. business and enterprise education charity, Mala Shah allows herself to sum up the conversation. "Most of us have given away too much for free," she writes. "There are disadvantages and advantages to this: You have to know when to stop giving away free services; and you have to know that the lead you are following is going to bring in business."
How? "Follow your instincts (they have to be strong), and have a good business strategy. I have had two clients on my books for over a year. I have given free consultations on several occasions to both, and I am happy to say that one of the clients has come through with a big contract. I have now put in several proposals to the second client; I have yet to receive a response."Is Shah worried? Not at all. "I know that I've built up a good trust-based relationship. And when they do want to hire me, they will have to pay the going rate."
Over to you, readers. Are you giving away too much of your services, or have you found the right balance? Please join the conversation in our ForbesWoman LinkedIn group.
ForbesWoman Voices is a new series that highlights the issues and topics that are lighting up the ForbesWoman community networks, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and the ForbesWoman Network. Join us and share your thoughts--in our comments section or in the community--on business and careers, style, tech, health, power and more.
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