Tuesday, December 15, 2009

From the We Need A Little Fun ... Reuters: Court Rules in One Armed Bandit Decision... "legal innovation"

TOULOUSE, France (Reuters) - A French court has split the jackpot from a casino slot machine between the woman who put in the money and the man who pulled the lever, ending months of argument between the two.

Marie-Helene Jarguel walked off with over 2 million euros ($2.91 million) in March after a bet of 50 euros on a one-armed bandit, only for her gambling partner Francis Sune to contest her gain based on the fact that he activated the machine.

A court in the southwestern city of Montpellier ruled on Tuesday that Jarguel should keep 80 percent of the earnings while the rest should go to Sune, a judicial source said.

The ruling was a legal innovation. The judges noted that there was "no judicial definition of the winner in a slot machine game."

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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