Monday, December 7, 2009

Let's Learn Something New Every Day! LJjSpeaks Blog Post!

Who Knew? It’s estimated 5% of workers who have access to their social networking sites at work spend an hour each day social networking at work - and 4% of those surveyed have social network sights opened all day at work.  78% spend less than 30 minutes social networking.

Who Knew? Jingle Bells was originally a Thanksgiving song? The author and composer of Jingle Bells was a minister called James Pierpoint who composed the song in 1857 for children celebrating his Boston Sunday School Thanksgiving. It was so popular it spread to Christmas and is now one of the most played and recorded holiday songs of all time.  

Who Knew? Blog would become one of our cultures most popular  four letter word. It began as “web log” in 1997 when John Barger coined it to mean logging information, links on the web.  In 1999 Peter Merholz is thought to be the first person to call it “wee-blog or blog” for short. It’s estimated there are nearly 3 Million blogs out there for us to review and take note of.

Who Knew? Japanese Naval Commander Isoroku Yamamoto intended the attack on Pearl Harbor to happen thirty minutes after a declaration of war arrived in Washington, D.C. However, due to delays in delivery, the attack occurred several hours before the message came in.  God Bless our Veterans. 

Who Knew?  That you could Skype a friend without hurting them?! You can also call someone a Twit and not get outcasted.  And you can link up with over 500 people and keep your pajamas on all day!

Who Knew? The most popular Christmas song of all time, White Christmas was recorded in 1940 but was contracted not for release until 1942 when Bing Crosby made it instantly famous in the movie “Holiday Inn.”

Every day we learn something new.  Isn’t that fun!? What did YOU learn today?

*Information and statistics from and Wikipedia. Keep On Surfing!

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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