Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Smartbrief on Leadership Poll: When adopting a new tool for business what are you most interested in knowing?

  • Here is an example of some of the great information you receive when signing up for RSS Feed of SmartBrief on Leadership.  You can sign up at

  • Much has been made of the power of social media as a new tool for business. When you think about exploring and adopting a new tool in your business, what are you most interested in knowing? 
    How companies in my industry use it.  39.38%
    How it is being used in marketing and customer service.  33.19%
    How other companies of our size use it.  9.00%
    How leading Fortune 500 companies use it.  8.85%
    How it is being used in R&D and innovation.  6.19%
    How it is being used in HR and recruiting.  3.39%
  • Eyes on the competition: Results of last week's SmartBrief on Leadership poll question make it quite clear that organizational leaders are in the early stages of evaluating social media as a business tool. As is often the case with new practices, business leaders are looking at their competitors' practices to see what strategic possibilities social media might offer their own organization. --Eva Schmatz, president, Summus Limited

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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