Sunday, March 21, 2010

LjjSpeaks BlogPost: The Ins and Outs of Great Communication - when you're IN you WIN!

Why Be Out When You Can Be IN?
Lynne Jarman-Johnson

No one likes to be out. You don’t want to be the last person chosen for a team. You don’t want to have the pressure of creating the last out in a championship game. You never want to be called out on a little white lie or exaggeration.

This week the Governor of Michigan was on the outs.  Why?  Governor Jennifer Granholm signed a proclamation encouraging Michigan Residents to take part in MeatOUT day.  This day was proclaimed to educate the population on the unhealthy choices they are making when they eat meat. Everyone was asked to refrain from eating meat on Saturday, March 20. 

As soon as the proclamation was announced the grill was fired up and the Governor skewered.  Later, a new proclamation came out calling for Agricultural Day - celebrating all forms of agriculture (including meat) in the great State of Michigan. But the damage was done. Many companies, including Byron Center Meats used the negativity to their advantage and changed the proclamation to MeatIN day, which was a boon to their business and publicity. 

What does a meaty topic like this teach us?  Let’s set politics aside and ask how could this have played out differently?  If the words IN and VEGGIES/FRUITS would have been substituted for OUT and MEAT the proclamation could have been: 

Saturday, March 20 is Veggie/FruitIN day across Michigan!  Residents are encouraged to add more locally grown fruits and vegetables to their diet. 

What this teaches us is that words matter. One little word can change the landscape of your intentions.  Think about how to communicate in ways that bring others along with you or help them understand your intentions. Avoid placing customers on the outside or having them feel out of sorts with your style. Communicating effectively is the IN thing to do! 

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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