Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sitting Down On The Job Brings Everyone Down! | LjjSpeaks Blogpost

Lynne Jarman-Johnson

Sitting Down On The Job Brings Everyone Down

If I didn’t see it for myself I wouldn’t have believed it. A coach gave up during a game and sat down on the job.  What happened next was not surprising, the team sat down right along with him.  They stopped playing with heart. They hung their heads. They gave up. They lost.

Why is it that some leaders feel bullying, pointing fingers and placing blame will motivate their teams?  How can they not see their behavior affects so many people in so many ways. It’s not just the team they are leading, it’s the customers who “work” with the team.  The ripple effect of “Berating Leaders” is drastic and lasting.

What do you learn from a leader who berates you?
You learn not to trust.
You learn not to look people in the eye.
You learn not to respect.
You learn not to support others.
You learn not to be fair.
You learn how to scream.
You learn how to belittle.
You learn dishonesty.
You learn blame.
You learn not to ask for help.
You learn to make others feel less than their worth.
You learn selfishness.

What do you learn from a leader who motivates you?
You learn trust.
You learn integrity.
You learn respect.
You learn constructive guidance.
You learn hand’s on.
You learn to “stand behind a decision.” 
You learn to be decisive.
You learn solid decision making skills.
You learn how to approach others.
You learn success.

Think back to your favorite teacher or coach. Did they motivate you or berate you. Does your current team have qualities that berate others or motivate others?  You can stand up and ensure motivation is the lead factor on any team you are involved with. It’s Good Business.

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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