Friday, March 26, 2010

LjjSpeaks Blopost: Become a CHEERleader of Social Networking - Watch your FANbase grow!

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Become a CHEERleader - Watch Your FANbase Grow!
Lynne Jarman-Johnson | @LjjSpeaks |

7 years. That’s how many years I clapped along the sidelines and cartwheeled around gymnasiums.  If you count cheering kids on then it’s over 23 years. I have learned that everything I learned about cheering people on, helping fans connect, and inspiring others to join in our shouts and chants is what this whole thing called social media is all about.  @ScottMonty with Ford spoke at the American Marketing Association West Michigan luncheon.  He is the Social Media guru that is helping Ford connect in very human ways to the global digital world.

Scott reinforces what a Bachelor of Arts at Michigan State University in Communication Arts and Sciences taught me before there was anything to tweet about. I took the time to Tweet through Scott’s presentation and I present his confirmation alongside the Cheer mentality!  CHEER along!:

Consistent Communication:
Your communication needs to be consistent.  No matter where you engage on the social network platform (ie: Twitter, Linked In, Facebook) know that you need to show up regularly and give and take with vigor!  When the Sunday newspaer was the “In” platform to advertise in, a Michigan department store would place their ad every Sunday on page A1 - bottom  panel - every week. Rain or shine you knew what the specials would be for that particular store. They owned the town.  Today - that store could choose Facebook or Twitter or a Blog and continue in this tradition but without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertising.  Those same specials will be just as exciting and waited for - but on a new format.  Loyal customers can even sign up to receive your information “as they like it” which brings choice consistently to the table.
        The Full Monty Confirmation: 
         #amawmford | #@ScottMonty We live in a 140 Character society where everyone is vying for 
        attention -- how do you break through? 
        #amawmford | #@ScottMonty 90% of social media is just showing up!
         #amawmford | #@ScottMonty One team - One plan - One goal! Illustrates news churning / 
         events / stories / to help build trust.


Honesty is the best policy. When it comes to communication you need to be ready to hear honest feedback from customers and respond honestly to them. The days of sticking your head in the sand and only receiving “positive” feedback is over. Your customers are already talking about you, focusing on your products and services. It’s up to you to begin to have an open door policy for feedback - and let your customers help brand you.   Ford actually opened up a new web site called Ford Family that allows customers to bring feedback and ideas to the table. What began as 100% corporate is now 40% customer content! 
        The Full Monty Confirmation:
        #amawmford | #@ScottMonty Ford has given free reign for people to share! Uses scribe/ Delicious / 
        very liberating toallow people to share
        #amawmford | #@ScottMontyFord Fiesta is coming. Ford gave 100 bloggers a Fiesta. They needed to
         do a video a month. All posted unedited!

Engagement is the new goal for all of us.  Engaging our customers and our colleagues.  Helping people share ideas and constructive concepts and giving them a voice is what is the key.  My most hit on Facebook post was a question I posed about my dishwashing detergent. I posted a casual comment that I was tired of my spotty, cloudy dishes and I was inundated with friends comments on their personal brand favorite.  So, I did my own test and shared that with all of my friends - the engagement was fun and I now have sparkling clean dishes! 
     The Full Monty Confirmation: 
        #amawmford | #@ScottMonty Bloggers help create stories ... Conversation .. Not just auto bloggers 
        but Mom bloggers / lifestyle bloggers
      #amawmford | #@ScottMonty How many channels of connection do you allow? As many as your 
        customer needs or wants! 
        #amawmford | #@ScottMonty Social media is all about the conversation... Connecting & Engaging! 
        You need to make your connections worthwhile

Eyes and Ears:
Once you have “showed up” to cheer you need to keep your eyes and ears open for connections and connectivity.  Responding to your colleagues, fans, customers is important. Often people just need talk about what they have experienced with your product or service.  Ensuring you respond and have a give and take is critical.  If you feel overwhelmed you need to teach others in your organization or on your team to ensure they are responding in a quick and positive manner.
The Full Monty Confirmation:
     #amawmford | #@ScottMonty People who say / post online just want to be listened to. Is your 
        company committed to your customer?
    #amawmford | #@ScottMonty cross train your staff to help connect!

Twitter, Facebook and all other social networking platforms are useless if we only post to advertise our products or services. The best bloggers, social media connected companies are those that are not afraid to talk about the competition and share ideas for success.  I have a new “relationship” built after my car had to be towed.  After I posted the photo below Michael Walden at Pfieffer Lincoln Mercury immediately gave me an idea on how to fix my problem - he then gave me an idea on what new car to buy.  The connection he made will stay with me!  So now I have two connections with two different brands that make me smile and say “I’d like to do business with them!” The decision to buy a car won’t be instantaneous but I will give first crack at my purchase to those who started a relationship with me and cared about me personally! 
       The Full Monty Confirmation:
        #amawmford | #@ScottMonty CEO of Ford called a customer making decision to buy a new car. Gave his mobile #...     
        Cemented relationship. 
        #amawmford | #@ScottMonty Relationships sell cars. Twitter doesn't sell cars.

After the American Marketing Association event I had the chance to meet and interview Scott Monty. I’ll connect you to the podcast interview on WJRW AM 1340 after it airs.  Later in the day he confirmed he walks his talk by twittering this post “cementing the relationship” of my gratitude to his presentation: 

        @LJJSpeaks My pleasure! Thank you for the interview.

Now that is something to Cheer about! 

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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