Sunday, January 3, 2010

Wow! What a guide!: How to do almost anything online Thanks @Mashable!

January 2nd, 2010 | by Brenna Ehrlich

It’s a new year, which means it’s time to make resolutions, take on fresh challenges, learn new things and change our lives for the better. Perhaps you want to lose 10 pounds, travel more, or get the job you really want?

Mashable (Mashable) has been building a vast archive of how-to guides on everything from professional networking to planning a vacation online — what better time to release a combined list than at the beginning of a new decade?

If you’re looking to improve your life in 2010, we hope you’ll find these 40+ How-To guides useful. You can find even more How-To guides and tips in the How-To section of this site.

Professional Goals

Many professionals today are primed to leverage online tools for success in 2010. Here’s a list of resources that will help you increase your ROI, whether you’re a novelist or a PR rep.

HOW TO: Implement a Social Media Business Strategy

HOW TO: Measure Social Media ROI

HOW TO: Track Social Media Analytics

HOW TO: Build the Ultimate Social Media Resume

HOW TO: Launch Your Own Indie Journalism Site

HOW TO: Plan and Promote Events With Social Media

HOW TO: Make Social Media Work for Non-Consumer Brands

HOW TO: Use Wikis for Business Projects

HOW TO: Use Social Media in Your PR Pitch Plan

HOW TO: Use Social Media to Retain Customers

HOW TO: Write a Novel Using the Web

HOW TO: Choose a Smartphone for Your Small Business

HOW TO: Choose a News Reader for Keeping Tabs on Your Industry

HOW TO: Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

HOW TO: Use Facebook for Professional Networking

Top 5 Business Blogging Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Lifestyle Goals

It would probably give you a serious case of the Blue Mondays, but if you so desired, you could manage your entire life without leaving your computer chair. While we don’t recommend becoming Boo Radley, Mashable does have a pretty sizable cache of stories that will show you how to shop, manage your finances and learn new skills — all from the comfort of your rolly chair.

HOW TO: Learn and Practice Languages Using Social Media

HOW TO: Use the Web for Socially Responsible Shopping

HOW TO: Plan a Vacation Using Social Media

HOW TO: Manage Bills with Social Media

HOW TO: Plan a DIY Wedding Using Social Media

HOW TO: Use Social Media for Better Health

HOW TO: Get More Responses in Online Dating


From satire to songs, the web is, to put it plainly, a fun place. Kick back with this list when you need a break from the grind.

HOW TO: Outsmart Phishers [HUMOR]

HOW TO: Survive Disconnect Anxiety [HUMOR]

HOW TO: Party Like Microsoft [Awkward Video]

HOW TO: Find the Name of That Song

HOW TO: Stalk Your Kids on Facebook and Twitter [VIDEO]

Bonus: Twitter

Twitter (Twitter) was the breakout success of 2009 and looks to be a vital tool for both professional and personal communications in 2010. In fact, we think Twitter is so important, we figured the microblogging site required its own run-down. If you’re not yet hip to Twitter (how’s the weather under that rock?) or if you just want to fine-tune your skills, check out these resources.

The Twitter Guidebook

HOW TO: Use Twitter Lists

HOW TO: Use Twitter’s New Retweet Feature

HOW TO: Get Retweeted on Twitter

HOW TO: Create Custom Twitter Backgrounds

HOW TO: Find a Job on Twitter

HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Twitter #Hashtags

HOW TO: Use Twitter Hashtags for Business

HOW TO: Build Your Personal Brand on Twitter

HOW TO: Organize a Successful Tweetup

HOW TO: Use Twitter for Customer Service

HOW TO: Live Inside Twitter and Still Stay Productive

HOW TO: Start a Petition on Twitter

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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