Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Always good to remember... Pause, Breathe, Then Act: Harvard Business

Pause, Breathe, and Then Act
Whether you replied to all when you should have forwarded, or you sent an email with a silly typo, most people have wished for an Undo Send button on at least one occasion. Google installed a five-second hold time on emails to allow users to reconsider and undo send. But what about when you say or do something in person that you immediately regret? Instead of regretting, take five seconds before you speak or act, especially in high-stress or emotional situations. Brain research has shown that by pausing, regulating your breathing, and taking just a few seconds, you are more likely to act rationally instead of foolishly.
Today's Management Tip was adapted from "Undo Send in Real Life" by Peter Bregman.

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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