Friday, January 22, 2010

Harvard Business Publishing: 3 Ways to Manage Your Pet Peeve's At Work by Steven DeMaio

Original Post:

How to Manage Your Pet Peeve
What's your work pet peeve? Perhaps you're irked by people showing up late to meetings or you can't stand your colleagues' liberal use of "Reply All." Though these things bother you, it may be impossible to get rid of them. Instead, learn to manage your pet peeve:
  1. Anticipate. Sometimes you'll be able to foresee events that will trigger your pet peeve. Think through how you will handle these situations so that you are not caught off guard.
  2. Laugh. If you can get some distance from your pet peeve, you're more likely to see the humor in it. When you get annoyed, try to observe how silly your anger may seem.
  3. Reward. On those occasions when you manage to notget annoyed by your pet peeve, reward yourself for good behavior.
Today's Management Tip was adapted from "How to Train Your Pet Peeve" by Steven DeMaio.

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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