Friday, January 8, 2010

Harvard Business: 3 Ways to Energize Your People

3 Ways to Energize Your PeoplePositive energy is an often underrated leadership trait. Great leaders know that they need to both inspire their people for the future and energize them on a daily basis. Here are three ways to bring on the energy:
  1. Focus on the bright side. You must be realistic as a leader, but you will gain more by focusing on the positive over the negative.
  2. Redefine negative as positive. When you see a negative (which you will if you are realistic), identify the opportunity. Find ways to mine potential negatives for challenges and opportunities.
  3. Don't dawdle. Part of being positive is knowing that things can get done, quickly. Be responsive and act fast.
Today's Management Tip was adapted from "Three Tips for Becoming an Energizer" by Rosabeth Moss Kanter.
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Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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