Thursday, January 28, 2010

LJJSpeaks Blog Post: Tweeting On The Tens! A Winning Strategy? One person's every ten minute tweet experience!

Tweeting On The Tens... A Winning Strategy?
Thursday, January 28, 2010

I spent this week testing an idea. I decided to Tweet on the Tens.  I took one day and every ten minutes I posted a Tweet. My reasoning was threefold: 

1)To see if there would be any trending on Twitter by posting #10Tweet in all my ramblings. 
2)To learn more about how twitter can work with business
3)To throw caution to the wind and try something new.

I’ve been wrestling with twitter.  I have a love-hate relationship with it. It is a great tool to link information to other social networking sites, including blogs.  I have met many new colleagues and amazing talent through twitter.  I also find articles, content and information that I cannot find elsewhere. 

Twitter also can be a never ending stream of TMI.  (Too Much Information)  I often scroll through many posts and delete twitter followers who are offensive or spamming.  I get frustrated and sometimes feel the time I am spending is wasted.

Invariably, when I feel frustrated, someone will post 140 character of brilliance and I laugh out loud, or ponder, or want to reach out.  It is then that I realize that Twitter imitates work and  life.  We go about our day and say things that some people find interesting and others find annoying.  

For this endeavor I learned the following:

Time goes fast when you tweet every ten minutes. It’s hard to know what you are going to be actually doing on any given 10 minute increment.  The Iphone and laptop were the only way I could pull it off. It wasn’t fun and I would become engrossed in writing and forget.

Education and learning is where I love to go when twittering.  I don’t think anyone cares that at 7:40 AM I was singing the song in my head (thank you Steve Martin) “I’m Picking Out A Thermos For You” but only ten minutes prior I had found an awesome research article on use of media in children.  This research impacts all of us - and is something we need to think about.  

I need to slow down.  My spelling and grammar are awful on twitter. I think I’m double checking and then the time clock and pressure kicked into gear and I’d “quick get a tweet out” not realizing how poor the actual tweet was!  Am I doing this all of the time? You BET! If that is the best lesson I learned - thank you Twitter!  It’s important to tweet, post, write, speak, blog, professionally. 

Using twitter as an engagement tool is the key. Help others along with your posts, encourage, inspire and even bring constructive criticism to the table.  Twitter does mirror life.  There are so many people we can connect to!  Respecting where everyone is coming from and engaging in professional -above the bar -twittering can help you reach your goals and help others reach theirs as well! Have fun, make people smile, ask them how you can help.  Retweet when you like what someone says or links to! Follow those who are like you and some who are totally unique yet you “connect with!”   Make Twitter time YOUR time. Time to learn, engage and inspire.  Take it from me - it doesn’t have to be every ten minutes! 

Follow me :)  @LjjSpeaks

Below is the Twitter on the Tens stream!  Happy Tweeting! 

7:00  AM - Today it's #10tweet day. On the :10s of every hour from 7am - 4 pm I will Tweet whatever is top of mind at that moment! Why not?

7:10 AM  Wow 10 minutes goes by fast. Makes you think about organizing and preparing for every minute in life. Right? 

7:22 AM  It's hard to tweet from the shower. Towel - Ipod... geesh already missed by 2 Min., See how time gets away from you? 

7:30 AM  I'm still amazed at report that kids spend over 11 hours with "media" in only a 7 hour day!

7:40 AM - I'm picking out a thermos for you .... Not an ordinary thermos will do ... 

7:50  AM  I love Keurig coffee maker ! Today it's Donut House Coffee - Maison Du Beigne ... Makes me feel hip ...

8:00  AM   Show rundown is great - Blogger Terry Starbucker on taking the pressure off and VP Meijer Stacie Behler -tips for success! 2 PM! 

8:10 AM AMI am hoping I can play a group webinar on Apple TV ... Will test in a few minutes! Webinar tomorrow w/ LMCU team.

8:20 AM Ten friends to thank @jgaler@promobrain, @ preacherrr, @speria @PatiKay@autoconomy,@adamschomaker@smallchangefilm 2 more! 

8:21 AM continued: @shelleyrirwin@marychartfield That makes 10 Friends !!!!

8:30  AM I love @mashable. I'm just sayin' Where else can you learn about the Pope Blogging and overdoing FBFriends all in one place?

8:40 AM LIVEit! continues with low carb omolette! Mmmmmm. ... And a chuckle at my Husbands org. skills - marks hard boiled eggs in ink

8:50  AM LJJSpeaks #10tweet talking to my sister about the hamster that is lost in her house! Amy and I talk every day...2-3 x per day... As it should be sis!

9:00  AM LJJSpeaks #10tweet Apple TV is loading ... Testing this puppy out ...if it doesn't work Im going to use Iphone hook up!!

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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