Monday, January 25, 2010

Harvard Business Review: Zone Out - Idle Brains more likely to come up with new ideas! by Gina Trapani

JANUARY 25, 2010Get Creative by Zoning OutStudies have shown that an idle brain is more likely to come up with a new idea. Yet, we often feel that focus is more of what we need. Try taking mental breaks from email and deadlines and let your mind wander. These breaks can be critical to remaining creative and open to fresh ideas. You can take a short break during a hectic day or you can opt for a longer creative sabbatical over a week, month, or year. Regardless of the duration, be sure you are giving your mind the space it needs to think long term and big picture.
Today's Management Tip was adapted from "Burned Out? Take a Creative Sabbatical" by Gina Trapani.

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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