Thursday, May 20, 2010

LjjSpeaks: A tour of GRCC Tassell M-Tec Center - an amazing training center and lab!

I had the opportunity to take a tour of the Grand Rapids Community College Tassell M-Tec center.
I'm meeting with each and ever team at GRCC to learn more about the college and what we offer West Michigan.
In this case I learned it's what we offer the world!
George Waite was a great host and I was so impressed with his passion and dedication to helping connect students with hands on learning.
What I learned:

Tassell M-Tec is a hands on- learning lab with classrooms, labs and open spaces for learning.

Kathy greets you at the door!
Michigan Works! is on site too - one of the few in the state in a Tec Center!

Welding and Metal Shop In Action - GRCC has one of the top Welding and Sheet Metal instruction opportunities in the country!

Auto Mechanics lab has 23 bays. You can take an 18 week class for state licensing and auto companies partner with GRCC to provide the latest technology training.

Construction floor

Focusing on the inside to make a beautiful outside

Building energy efficient living environments - on site hands on learning.

MichCon DTE donated the land to make the partnership possible.

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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