Sunday, May 9, 2010

LjjSpeaks BlogPost: Dear Employee, Colleague or Boss.... Love Mom.

Dear Employee, Colleague or Boss,

It has been much too long since I’ve spoken to you face to face. I hope all is well.  The flowers are starting to bloom in the garden.  I know my mother always said if you pay close attention to what you plant, and keep the weeds down, you will be very happy with the results.  

I wanted to write you some thoughts that have been floating around this old head of mine. Once a mother, always a mother you know.  

I’ve started to taking to writing down my thoughts as they come so I don’t forget them.  My paper  is full each week! That reminds me, do those computers you use have notepads in them? Maybe you could teach me how to use one? Maybe we can skype like they do on Oprah.  Bet you didn’t know your Mom knew about that! I  guess if you give me the right tools and teach me how to use them I can really do anything!

How is Clare? Is she still wearing those tight t-shirts to work?  You know my opinion on that, dress for success always, even if you’re running out to the store for groceries, you just don’t know who you might run into.   I  don’t know why they don’t bring back the fashion of my day. We always had nice blouses and the boys wore ties. It was just how it was done. Even without the ties you can dress nice. That show with Donald Trump proves that! Boy that man can dress up nice when he’s working.

How’s your garage cleaning coming? Last we spoke you were “throwing out the baby with the bath water!” I’m still laughing.  You sure make your mom proud when you organize and keep yourself ready for action! 

It was sure nice of cousin Robert to come to visit.  He had some new contraption that he kept pulling out of his pocket. He called it a smart phone.  It sure didn’t seem very smart to me - he kept stopping his conversation midstream and looking at that dumb thing.  Do you have one of those?  I sure hope you remember to pay attention to people and not that smart phone. I can still hear Dad now, The “I” in eye contact is the same “I” in Important... and it’s the most important.  

Well I’m running to the mall with Aunt Ruth. They have a clearance sale on light bulbs.  I may pick up a few more bulbs for the garden while I’m there. I’m hoping they have some end of the year sales.  I’ve even got a coupon for those energy light bulbs they have now. I’m going to stock up if the price is right. When you  kids were little I would walk around room to room turning off the lights.  Sure seemed like that was all I did at times.  But it really did help with the electric bill and my weight!   I guess it’s a good reminder for you to walk around and see where you can save energy and create energy at the same time!

Thank you so much for the nice card last week. I know how busy you are and just hearing from you for no reason means so much to me.  I’m very proud of you.  I wish we didn’t live 3000 miles away.  But when you reach out, you keep me close and help me feel a part of what is going on. 

Say hi to Sara and all of those kids.  Tell them how much they mean to you and when they do good work shout it from the rooftops. When they act up, they most likely just need attention.  People today need to hear that they and what they do matters. 

And with that, I just want you to know how much you matter to this old Mom of yours.



Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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