Sunday, May 30, 2010

LjjSpeaks BlogPost: Creating Relaxed Morale Building Moments in our Work

Lynne Jarman-Johnson
May 30, 2010

It’s a glance that was captured in digital technology.  The glance is a Father and Son enjoying a baseball game.  The scene is set and captured, down to the glimmering setting sun shining from Dad’s beverage.  Why is this photo important enough to place on a business communication blog?  

The photo captures a moment in time that we all need to strive for in our work.   We need to plan for priceless moments of relaxed time. When we spend relaxed, quality time  with colleagues we can transform our workplace and teams.

Where can we create these moments?  How can we capture the outcome of hard work and passion?  In our everyday work environment, near the coffee machine, in the break room, in our cubicle’s, walking to our next meeting, in our meetings:

•  Add “celebrations” to your agendas.
•  Bring “kudos” to the table out loud.
•  Add personal accomplishments to newsletters.
•  Say thank you and CC other departments and leaders
•  Post a “Have a Great Day” note in the elevator

Simple steps to making colleagues and associates smile - if even for a moment - helps to create a positive work environment over time.  It’s much easier to tackle the hard work when we are enjoying the work in the first place. 

All work and no play leads to frustration, hurried work product and stress.
Relaxing and helping colleagues learn to relax while at work leads to more productively, higher morale and outcomes to celebrate.

Pitch in with ideas to help create the moments that will help your teams succeed. 

Play Ball. 

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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