Sunday, May 30, 2010

LjjSpeaks BlogPost: Creating Relaxed Morale Building Moments in our Work

Lynne Jarman-Johnson
May 30, 2010

It’s a glance that was captured in digital technology.  The glance is a Father and Son enjoying a baseball game.  The scene is set and captured, down to the glimmering setting sun shining from Dad’s beverage.  Why is this photo important enough to place on a business communication blog?  

The photo captures a moment in time that we all need to strive for in our work.   We need to plan for priceless moments of relaxed time. When we spend relaxed, quality time  with colleagues we can transform our workplace and teams.

Where can we create these moments?  How can we capture the outcome of hard work and passion?  In our everyday work environment, near the coffee machine, in the break room, in our cubicle’s, walking to our next meeting, in our meetings:

•  Add “celebrations” to your agendas.
•  Bring “kudos” to the table out loud.
•  Add personal accomplishments to newsletters.
•  Say thank you and CC other departments and leaders
•  Post a “Have a Great Day” note in the elevator

Simple steps to making colleagues and associates smile - if even for a moment - helps to create a positive work environment over time.  It’s much easier to tackle the hard work when we are enjoying the work in the first place. 

All work and no play leads to frustration, hurried work product and stress.
Relaxing and helping colleagues learn to relax while at work leads to more productively, higher morale and outcomes to celebrate.

Pitch in with ideas to help create the moments that will help your teams succeed. 

Play Ball. 

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

LjjSpeaks: If you're not having fun at work. Why? Make changes and incorporate the "fun" - then it's not such hard work!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Is Your Email Effective? Improve by Auditing | Harvard Business Reveiw

    Because the rhythm and rhetoric of effective email exchange is a critical success factor in business performance, mismanagement of email may in fact be a symptom of other weaknesses in your organization.

    But no executive has the time (or obsessive-compulsive disorder) to review and edit their people's correspondence — it's not possible and it wouldn't be healthy. So how can managers quickly and cheaply create the shock of self-consciousness to push their people to take the style and substance of their correspondence more seriously? And how can you find out the interoffice spam actually reflects a deeper issue of employee performance?

    I've found that the most powerful approach is also the simplest: make email an intrinsic part of performance reviews. Insist that colleagues and subordinates better evaluate their email so that you may better evaluate their performance. There are few better proxies for assessing how well individuals are communicating, on task and on target, than the digital missives they send in order to get their work done.

    The key is to politely demand self-assessment and review. Ask people to present three sets of correspondence that demonstrate how well they've used the medium to manage successful outcomes. In other words, have them select examples illustrating their own email "best practices" for results. You, and they, will find this review and prioritization process revealing. Culling their email correspondence is a wonderful way for individuals to remember and reconnect with what they think works and what doesn't. Your ability to weigh their self-assessed success with your own experiences gives this simple technique particular power.

    At one project review, every single example selected by one manager featured brief emails with large reports or presentations attached. Email wasn't a medium of communication; it was a mechanism for referral. The larger issue was that this person was so intent on being "comprehensive" that they avoided getting to the essence of what their colleagues asked for and needed in the moment. At another, the employee literally annotated and expanded upon the emails received; all the "best practice" emails were "responses" to others rather than ideas and solutions he initiated. These email styles raised larger and more important issues around performance and personal effectiveness. They likely would not have surfaced without the email self-assessment demand.

    It's remarkable what can be discovered when people are asked to show examples of what they think they're doing well.

    I'm not so tech-naive to constrain this performance review technique to email alone. Firms using wikis, blogs, internal Facebooks, and other digital media for coordination and collaboration should similarly broaden the purview of their performance reviews. But I am surprised that only a small handful of the managers and executives I know make this tactic a part of their assessment process. Conversations around real examples of real work — particularly if they represent how individuals actually see themselves — tend to be productively revealing.

    My personal/professional opinion is that too many managers think that they already have adequate insight into the communications styles of colleagues and subordinates because of their own interactions with them. Or because they are cc:ed on correspondence that matters. This is shortsighted and misleading. The truth is that it is always important and relevant to learn how one's people rate and rank their own effectiveness. Of course, getting people to submit the "worst practices" and stupid emails they sent would truly be a fool's errand for a performance review. But gaining insight into your people's perceptions — quickly and cheaply — from the examples they themselves choose strikes me as an ideal way to improve one's own effectiveness as a communicator and leader.

    Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

    Wednesday, May 26, 2010

    Are You Charismatic? You CAN be! | SmartBrief on Leadership | Merdith Levinson

    How To Be Charismatic

    A communications coach offers a quick lesson in the brain science behind charisma.

     Meridith Levinson in Best Practices

    Can a stuffy manager learn to be charismatic? You bet. While many people believe charisma is an innate quality (you either have it or you don't), communications expert and coach Dr. Nick Morgan maintains that anyone can learn to be charismatic.

    Charisma, Morgan explained during a recent Reach Branding Club teleseminar, is the focused expression of emotion. So long as managers can learn to focus their emotions, they can learn to be charismatic. (Check out Morgan's thoughts on leadership, communication and authenticity.)

    "When we find a speaker charismatic, it's because the speaker has a powerful emotion connected with the material he or she is talking about," Morgan said during the teleseminar. "That's what we respond to."

    Morgan noted that the human brain is wired to respond to emotion. It's what makes us social beings. He explained that the sole purpose of certain neurons in our brains (called mirror neurons) is to mimic the emotions of others in our own minds so that when we see someone experiencing sadness, for example, we feel blue, too. 

    "When a speaker is charismatic, they express an emotion in their unconscious brain, and our mirror neurons respond to it," said Morgan. "That's where charisma comes from."

    We're not always able to be charismatic in a meeting or at a conference, for example, because we're distracted by other things on our mind, whether they be work, personal problems, chores we need to do, or what we're having for dinner, said Morgan.

    "Our unconscious brains express these [conflicting emotions] through our bodies, and everyone picks up on them through their mirror neurons," he said. "They see a distracted person. A charismatic person has figured out how to focus his or her emotions [so he or she doesn't get distracted]."

    One trick to appearing—and being—more charismatic lies in the way you carry yourself. When you're walking into a meeting or onto a stage to give a speech, Morgan recommends standing up straight with your shoulders relaxed and slightly back and leading with your heart. He says most people lead with either their head, because they have a lot on their mind, or with their legs. Standing up straight with your heart "open" makes a person look heartfelt, said Morgan, and thus more trustworthy.

    Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

    LjjSpeaks: To Synchronize Is To Simplify. Amaze your self when you take the time to learn how to synchronize your work and life!

    Tuesday, May 25, 2010

    Awesome article on Social Media - is it a new addiction? | Retrevo Gadgetology | Andrew Eisner

    Is Social Media a New Addiction?
    Original Post:

    What is it about social media that causes people to spend so much of their precious time trading information with friends, family and even giant corporations? Of course, we already know the answer; it’s fun and can be rewarding both socially and financially. The latest Retrevo Gadgetologystudy asked social media users questions such as when, where, and how much time they spend on sites and services like FaceBook and Twitter. We were not surprised to learn how many people appear to be, shall we say, obsessed with checking in with their social media circles throughout the day and even the night.
    Social Media All Through the Night
    Not only do social media fanatics check Facebook and Twitter throughout the
    day, almost half of the respondents said they check in on the social media scene in bed, during the night or as soon as they wake up in the morning. Naturally, younger social media users said they tweet by night more than
    those over 25. 
    Will Twitter Kill the Morning News Shows?
    Among social media users, it appears almost half are so involved with FaceBook and Twitter that they check in the first thing in the morning. With 16% of social media users saying this is how they get their morning “news,” could we be witnessing the first signs of social media services beginning to replace "Good Morning America" as the source for what's going on in the world? Can they also provide more stimulation than a morning cup of coffee?
    Are iPhone Owners More Social?

    You have to agree, iPhone owners do think different. We don’t know if it’s the device making it so easy to do social media things or the personality of an iPhone owner but iPhone owners stand out in this study as more involved with social media; they use FaceBook and Twitter more often and in more places.

    Social Media Anonymous

    Need more evidence that social media can be habit forming? How about the fact that 56% of social media users need to check FaceBook at least once a day? Even more impressive are the 12% who check in every couple of hours.

    We Interrupt This Dinner for an Important Message
    Just to round out the picture, the Gadgetology study asked consumers how they felt about being interrupted at various times and occasions for an electronic message. With everyone texting away on their phones these days, we weren't surprised to see over 40% of respondents saying they didn't mind being interrupted for a message. Infact, 32% said a meal was not off limits while 7% said they'd even check out a message during an intimate moment.

    We're not qualified to declare a societal, social media crisis but when almost half of social media users say they check FaceBook or Twitter sometime during the night or when they first wake up, you have to wonder if these people aren't suffering from some sort of addiction to social media. From this study, it also appears that social media may have begun to replace more conventional sources for news with many social media users saying tweets trump TVs for that morning cup of news.

    By Andrew Eisner, Retrevo's Director of Community & Content

    Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

    10 Ways to Cut Through Social Media Noise- Social Media Examiner | Michael Steizner

    10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard

    May 25, 2010

    Once you find time for social media and move from social chatter to using social media for a purpose, you’ll see firsthand how difficult it can be to get noticed.

    You might be using social media for marketing, campaigning or bringing attention to a worthy cause, but you’ll be battling against every other person who has the same intention or is just there for a fun time.

    How do you cut through all the social media noise and get people to notice what you have to say?

    Fact is, it’s not always easy.  To help you, here are 10 ways to make your message more likely to get noticed …

    #1: Simplify Your Message

    Your first job is to edit your message down to the bare essentials. What are the facts? Can you use the most simple language to get your point across? Could it be misinterpreted?

    This doesn’t necessarily mean you should be super-brief, but it does mean that you can crystallize your ideas and make sure you’re very clear on what the recipient should understand, take away and do.

    Develop a hook. Why is this interesting, why should anyone care and what’s different in a beneficial way?

    Test your message to make sure it’s understood. A complicated message isn’t going to be fully understood, won’t be remembered, and therefore will certainly not be forwarded or acted on.

    #2: Find Your Space

    If noise is getting in the way of your message being noticed, don’t add to your problem by choosing the most busy times and locations!

    Yes there will be more people who might potentially see your messages at peak times, but you have to weigh that against the fact that there are more competing messages at those times too.

    The same with venue. If everyone else is competing for attention on a certain site, in a certain group, presenting in a certain way, you need to test to see if an alternative time, location or format is going to work better for you.

    #3: Use Appropriate Channels

    Following the previous point, where and how you present your message is as important as what you say.

    Rather than just stating your facts, perhaps you need to tell a story. Pulling at the heartstrings with a human interest narrative often has more impact than a set of bullet points.

    It might be that all you need to do is zig when others zag; for example, use short headlines when others are wordy, or a long headline when everyone else is brief. Perhaps others only use text and you can use video. Break out of the mold and find your place to breathe.

    #4: Spread Your Message

    Don’t think you have to stick with one medium.  There’s no reason why you can’t go with all of them.Re-purpose your content into whichever packaging is required.

    Get it into the hands of colleagues, contacts and friends. These are your seeders and sneezers who will start the viral process.

    Tell people you want them to share, email and retweet your message far and wide. Tell them why it’s important and exactly what they need to do.

    You need to make it as easy as possible and remove barriers such as opt-ins or logins. Just give them the content and the tools to share it. Make it as easy as one click with an obvious benefit and they’ll do the rest.

    #5: Get Help

    Stop thinking solo. You’re not going to be able to get much reach on your own.

    Reach out and ask for help. Pitch your message directly to key influencers.

    Yes, some will reject you. Some will listen, then not follow through. But it’s a numbers game, and worth the effort.

    Don’t make it about you or your mission, make it about them and their audience.

    Explain briefly what the hook is and why they should care, tell them how to take the next step and leave it for them to come back to you.

    #6: Appeal to Ego

    People are most engrossed in their own self-interest, so play into that.

    Use “you” and “your.” Make it about them, their needs, goals, wants and desires.Relate it to their own history, situation, reputation and behavior.

    #7: Cut the Clutter.

    You need to remove anything that doesn’t directly support your message or argument.

    Remove fancy phrases, clever wording or embellishments. Use short words and sentences.

    #8: Appeal to Primitive Instincts.

    Observe the newspapers. They sell sex and fear because that’s what people respond to. We’re hardwired to look out for danger and problems and to follow other base instincts.

    If you’re having trouble being heard, try turning your message into a warning, highlight a problem or emphasize the dangers.

    #9: Use Keywords.

    Another element of our brain programming is to be on the lookout for keywords and phrases that interest us. Rather than using clever headlines, key into the words people are looking for, not just in searches but while scanning down headlines.

    People are always on the lookout for what interests them, consciously and subconsciously, and when these particular words or phrases pop into view their reticular activating system will say “Hey, look!”

    If your message is about Apple or the iPhone, mention those words. If you’re talking about Seth Godin or Natalie Portman, use their names.

    #10: Stick to One Point.

    This whole article builds to one argument. One point. Do the same.


    Getting your message out there is not always about what you say but as much howyou say it. Don’t just shovel your messages out into your social media channels. Think carefully about your audience, what they like and react to, and what else is going on within those services and networks.

    Most of all… It’s not what you say that matters, but what your readers hear!

    It’s your job to keep crafting and honing your message until you get it right. If people don’t “get it,” keep working until they do!


    Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

    SmartBrief on Leadership: Leadership Vs., Management - They ARE different and BOTH needed. | Mitch McCrimmon

    by Mitch McCrimmon

    Mitch McCrimmon is principal, Self Renewal Group, an executive assessment and coaching consultancy. See for further information and contact details.

    Once there was a notion that managers could do it all. But the notion fell into disfavour when “leadership” – for example, the heroic leader – emerged and pushed managers aside and stripped them of their responsibilities. The manager became a second-class citizen. This author states that the time has come to empower managers and recognize and elevate the important role that they play in the organization.

    Despite valiant efforts to separate leadership from management, the two roles remain entangled. Many refuse to differentiate between them at all. Some ignore management or confine it to a menial maintenance role operating in the engine room, "keeping things ticking over." With such a poor image, it's no wonder that so few want to be managers. Leadership is the glory role on the white charger, inspiring the troops to carry out grand visions.

    Because leadership hogs the lion's share of the responsibility and credit for driving organizational success, management has little to do. This reality is unsustainable; today’s complex business environment demands a broader sharing of the load. In an age of obesity, our current concept of leadership is the most bloated idea in town. To slim leadership down, management must be given more to do. This calls for a major upgrade, making management a much more proactive, positive force in organizations.

    Why it matters

    We need to reinvent management because a radically new concept of leadership is emerging. The rise of Richard Florida's creative class1 means that innovative knowledge workers who create the future are the new leaders. To compete in the guerrilla war of ideas, we needcreative class leadership, the bottom-up promotion of new products. Those in charge need to be recast as managers who show leadership only occasionally. This is a major change but an essential one wherever innovation is critical for success. If leadership simply promotes changes in direction, management must take on a hugely expanded role.

    How leadership became a bloated mess

    Our thinking about leadership went off the rails when we over reacted to Japanese business success in the 1970s. Recognizing that efficient execution was no longer enough, we demanded more innovation and condemned managers for being bureaucratic. Instead of upgrading management from a mechanical, controlling function to a facilitative, developmental one, we reacted emotionally, replacing managers with leaders. Managers were tarred and feathered with language previously used to describe management styles. For example, prior to the Japanese invasion, we said that managers could initiate structure or show consideration for people, be task oriented or people oriented, theory X or theory Y. To punish managers for letting us down, we blessed leaders with the good-guy styles and damned management with the bad-guy ones. The next step was to portray leaders as transformational and managers as transactional. Management henceforth became a virtual four letter word.

    This whole train of thought had disastrous consequences. Newly labelled "leaders" got stuck with the impossible demand of being cheerleaders, while management was painted into a dark corner where nobody wanted to be seen dead. If managers weren't quite in the grave yet, Abraham Zaleznik, a Harvard Business School emeritus professor of leadership, buried them by claiming that they were different types of people. They apparently lacked empathy and were control freaks, who could only motivate employees with "rewards, punishments, and other forms of coercion."2 John Kotter attempted to save management with a functional definition. Management, he claimed, deals with complexity while leaders focus on change3. But in the 1980s, Kotter's thinking was constrained by management's fall from grace and he failed to create a fully functional story. Instead, his managers were limited to mechanical control with little to do but keep things ticking over in the engine room. Warren Bennis's well known saying: "leaders do the right things, managers do things right" at least recognized that doing things right was still important. But by the time Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner started writing about leadership, management was long gone, which is why it is completely absent in their writing. It has been all about leadership, however bloated, ever since.

    By seizing the territory once occupied by management, leadership aims to motivate high levels of performance in employees. Motivation used to be what managers did until leadership usurped its role. The whole point of the transformational leadership bandwagon is nicely summed up in the title of Bernard Bass's well known book: Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations. Clearly such leadership is all about employee performance. Note that this book was published in 1985, at the height of the backlash against management.

    But surely performance is within management's domain. There is no convincing argument to the contrary, beyond the emotional rationalizations brought on by the success of the Japanese. By constantly portraying leadership as a downward-directed effort to get work done through subordinates, it's hard to understand how it can be shown flowing in any other direction. How can leadership be shown going sideways to colleagues or upward if it simply promotes a better way and has nothing to do with getting things done through people? The old idea of informal leadership is no help because it still entails taking charge of a group and directing its efforts toward a goal.

    It is time to put 1980s thinking behind us and make a fresh start. We are over the Japanese crisis, and innovation is even more important than it was in the 70s and 80s.

    How to differentiate leadership from management

    John Kotter was on the right track in saying that leaders and managers have different functions. But, crucially, we need to stick to a functional story, where everyone can engage in some managing and some leading regardless of role or style:

    Leadership promotes new directions; management executes existing directions.

    The function of management

    Management can do much more than merely keep things ticking over. It manages complex projects ranging from making a major movie to putting the first man on the moon. Managers can use facilitative skills to foster innovation. By sticking to a purely functional definition, we leave completely open the question of style. This liberating move means that managers can be inspiring. They can empower, nurture and develop talent. An inspiring leader influences us to change direction while an inspiring manager motivates us to work harder. Managers needn't be restricted to mechanical control, transactional rewards, bureaucratic methods or relating without empathy. Portraying managers in such negative terms was an accident of history that we now must put behind us.

    To get the best out of knowledge workers, managers might set up self-managing teams. Here, the classic functions of management (planning, organizing and controlling) are delegated. But the function of management is still operating even though the manager is not personally doing it. This should dispel the myth of the manager as a control freak or bureaucrat.

    By removing all style connotations, leadership benefits as much as management. No longer needing to be inspiring cheerleaders, leaders find it possible to exhibit quiet, factual leadership. This is essential in technical contexts, where a hard business case often moves stakeholders more than an inspirational delivery. Not being committed by definition to any particular style, both leaders and managers are free to use any style that works for the context in which they want to make a difference.

    The function of leadership

    Leadership needs to narrow its focus to promoting new directions as one-off acts to promote a better way:

    • The developer of PlayStation promoted this new product to Sony management, thus showing bottom-up leadership.
    • An exceptional customer service associate shows leadership by example to colleagues.
    • Martin Luther King promoted justice by marching against segregation on buses.
    • Jack Welch showed leadership by example to businesses all over the world when he implemented ideas at GE such as the need to be first or second in a market.

    Key features of leadership reinvented

    • It consists in showing a better way, either by explicit advocacy or by example.
    • Those who are led may not report to the person showing leadership, even informally.
    • No implementation is entailed. This is management's domain, getting work done through others, motivating people, developing them (more on management below.)
    • It does not involve managing the people led or getting things done through them.
    • It comes to an end once the target audience buys the need to change. It sells the tickets for the journey; management drives the bus to the destination.
    • It relies on influence; since it’s not an actual role, it can't decide for the group.
    • It can promote ideas developed by others; no need to be creative personally.

    Conventional leadership is a static concept: gaining and holding a position of power in a fixed hierarchy. Such leaders have a stake in the status quo. But rapid change driven by innovation has created a more dynamic context in which leadership has to operate. The rise of the creative class locates the emergence of new directions at the front lines. The advocacy of new directions becomes leadership when the group follows or adopts the proposed change. Since it’s not a role, leadership occurs only when people follow an influence attempt.

    In a dynamic context, no one has a monopoly on good ideas. Creative class leadership is ephemeral, no longer a role. Being so fleeting, leadership shifts dynamically from one person to another, much as in guerrilla warfare, thus spelling the end of static, role-based leadership.

    How management works

    Management actually does much more than merely execute existing directions. Crucially, if leadership works through influence and management takes over once followers get on board, then ALL decision making is managerial. This includes strategic decisions, deciding what to do and not just how to do it. So much for Bennis's notion that managers only do things right. This is a vastly expanded role for management.

    Thus, management works by making sound decisions and by facilitating execution and creative thinking. It can be likened to investment. Instead of investing money, managers invest a range of other resources such as people, material, time and finances. But the goal is the same -- to generate the best possible return. Unlike financial investors, managers actively develop their human resources.

    Effective managers are catalysts, coaches, facilitators, developers and investors. Their focus is mainly execution, but they can also decide on new strategies, manage change and facilitate innovation. Because leadership works through influence, all decision making, operational and strategic, must count as managerial. This must be the case if leadership can be shown bottom-up where those showing it have no power to decide anything for senior management, their followers in this situation

    How Leadership Works

    Leadership works through influence. We can gain a clearer grasp of how leadership influence works by comparing it with selling, although selling is self interested, leadership is not.

    Leading and selling, indeed all forms of influence, share the following features:

    • They can be done on a one-off basis—anyone can sell something once on e-Bay.
    • They can work at a distance across group boundaries. Both selling and leading can be done by outsiders. Green leaders have a leadership impact on communities around the world where they are outsiders.
    • All influence is a one-way impact. This is true even when two parties influence each other in turn. Leadership is often described as a relationship between leader and follower. But if influence can be exhibited from a distance, then it cannot be defined as a relationship. The truth is that management requires relationships, not leadership.
    • All influence comes to an end once the person influenced accepts the idea. A car salesman doesn't keep selling once you sign on the dotted line. In fact the rude ones start taking calls from other customers as you complete your paperwork. This shows that influence (including leadership) does not entail ongoing involvement in implementation. And this is one of the keys to separating leadership from management.

    An objection might be raised that organizational change is a lengthy process. Leadership conceived as selling the tickets to the journey can't stop once people board the bus. But, where resistance is minimal, change is a project that requires only good management. Second, selling the tickets for the journey doesn't have to stop at the start of a change process. There can be as much periodic reselling as needed. Leadership repeated is still a series of discrete acts, not a role.

    Benefits of reinventing leadership and management

    Upgrading management to be a more facilitative, nurturing, developmental and empowering function returns it to its rightful place alongside leadership. To stimulate faster innovation and better engage front-line knowledge workers, it helps to portray them as leaders. If Richard Florida is right about the rise of the creative class, we are in the midst of an unstoppable power shift in any case. Focusing leadership on promoting new directions is the only way to explain how it can be shown bottom-up.

    Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!