Monday, February 1, 2010

LJJSpeaks: Blog Post: Get to the Heart of the Matter and Engage your Customers!

Will You Marry Me?  Engaging Your Customer  Brings A Marriage Made In Heaven!

February is the month of getting to the heart of the matter.  I’m a huge Valentine celebratory gal.  I love surprising those I love with gifts that mean something to them personally. The gifts are small tokens, yet they take much thought to ensure I have made the right choice for the individual who will receive them.

Many people may wonder if it really matters? Do people connect the personalization to you or your service?  Companies build loyal customers, year after year after year because of this type of engagement. recently reported through a study by Alterian that companies who only include online ad campaigns and social networking are missing the point.  Companies who use engagement as their focus will win. “Engaging with customers is becoming paramount and the yardstick by which we measure those brands that survive and those that don’t,” said David Eldridge, CEO of Alterian, “Marketers now need to appeal to the individual and engage with customers on a one-to-one basis.”

How are you engaging your customers, your clients, your vendors, and your employees? I’ve just submitted a chapter on Communication Touch Points to Business Expert Webinars that will publish in June.  In it, I underscore the importance of our Personal Touch Points leading the way to reach our corporate goals. These are the touch points that make us unique and help people connect and engage in our missions and values.   

February is the month to get to the heart of the matter.  It’s time to ask ourselves if we engage others or enrage them?  Do we bring people along or push them to do what we ask? Do we use our strengths to engage others to help us build a successful project, team or company?  Or, do we use our strengths to bully others into submission.

What are your personal touch points? Do you know your personal mission, your vision, your goals and do they bring you closer to reaching your dream? If you do not get to the heart of the matter - for you personally - you will not be engaging to others.  Your ho-hum attitude will replace your passion and that translates into a very “unengaged” opportunity for those you are trying to reach.

Will you marry me?  When you ask the question in business - the strength of your personal touch points will determine whether your potential partner say “YES!” 

The above artwork is from a Facebook Post to 13 year olds.  The photo was tagged to those the artist “loved.”  (over 40 people!)  She tagged people with the note “If UR on this then I (heart) You!” This type of engagement is at the heart of it’s success. It was personal, it showed passion, and it brought “engagement” to life.  I would love to have received this from companies, people, partners I love.  

If you read this - then I love you!  If you post this - then I love you! If you take the time to share this with others who will find it helpful - then we’re engaged!  

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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