Saturday, February 13, 2010

LjjSpeaks Blog: How do YOU put passion in your work?

Work + Fun = Passion
by Lynne Jarman-Johnson

Let me be perfectly clear.  I love my career. I am madly in love with what I do. Parts and pieces of it I could take or leave, but overall I’m head over heels, to the moon and back, crazy in love with my day to day routine.

In the past two years my career has transformed.  New technologies and a “I’ll try to take you down” economy has given me the opportunity to make drastic changes in how I work.  I’ve shed the downtown office space and it’s overhead. I’ve taken a 360 degree turn in my focus. I have zeroed in on what I love to do and every day I focus on a goal that is less “agency” and more “gaugency.”  Gaugency is my term for being able to talk to executives, leaders and teams more intimately and learn what they truly need to help them communicate more effectively.  Together, we gauge the landscape, see where they’ve been and where they need to go, and then create a communication roadmap to get there.

I now have the opportunity as a professional public speaker and radio talk show host to gauge an audience’s needs and help build a message with them that will bring communication tools to their daily lives for success. I am using new social networking tools every day to meet new colleagues, learn from experts, and share that knowledge with others. Every day I’m amazed at the growth I’ve had personally through the sharing and caring of connecting.

How did this transformation take place? One day, my Valentine asked me one simple question:  “Are you happy?” I was stressed raising kids, volunteering, running an office with employees and feeling the looming economy pushing down on me.  I became focused on surviving instead of thriving.  I had lost the passion in what I do.  My Valentine’s  question stopped me in my tracks.  On the outside I was very successful. On the inside I was just plain unhappy.

And so, I transformed my work.  And this, my friends is why you are reading my blog and how I ended up being able to take a Friday out of my life, take a flip cam with me through the day and gauge the everyday pulse of downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan right before Valentine’s Day.  

My goal was to find out what makes others passionate about their work.  I asked people in coffee shops, colleagues I work with, strangers at gas stations.  I twittered and posted the question “what makes you passionate” on status updates.  I’ll let you judge the results.

Mike Freestone runs an advertising, promotion specialties business and he and his wife launched Good Life Granola.  He posts:  Loving the product you sell is what keeps me going...

Vickie Smith was just promoted to Director of Business Development and Community Involvement at Lake Michigan Credit Union. In her promotion it was stated, “She is such an asset to LMCU, and for those of you who have worked closely with Vickie, you know she is awesome at what she does!”  (Isn’t that an awesome testament!) Vickie posts: Everyday I'm fortunate to have a blast representing a company I completely believe in......LMCU people are the coolest people. Like you Miss Lynne! Great vacations help too!

Michael Raymond is a part of @GRPDPizza, The only Grand Rapids Pizza, and Delivery. Located in Heritage Hill, near downtown. Pizza, Subs, salads, calzones. Dine in, take out, delivery or online. He postsPassion, customer response, patience, persistence in the good times and the bad (enjoying what you do helps too!)

Yesterday the HelpCampaign took to the streets of Grand Rapids with Free Hugs! They put passion into practice for a great cause! I loved my hug and was so happy to be able to donate a blanket to Guiding Light!  

My videoblog features 12 individuals from all walks of life who have told me what keeps passion in their work.  The key lessons they all shared: 

1) Have fun
2) Do something different every day
3) Enjoy the people you meet.

And so, to wrap this up, let me be perfectly clear.  I love my career. I am madly in love with what I do. Parts and pieces of it I could take or leave, but overall I’m head over heels, to the moon and back, crazy in love with my day to day routine. Why?

1) I Have Fun.
2) I do something different every day.
3) I enjoy the people I meet.

You can too!  Happy Valentines Day.  Work + Fun = Passion. Every day I post a LJjSpeaks quote to start my day. This is my favorite and I give it as a gift to you this Valentine weekend: 

Be still our hearts. 

Be active our mind. 

Be gracious our work. 

Be passionate our souls.

            Lynne Jarman-Johnson

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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