Friday, February 26, 2010

LinkedIn Searching Advances SEO: Get To The Point:

Original Post:

LinkedIn: Time to Plug and Play

The rise of search engine optimization (SEO) was a huge change for the marketing profession. But for B2B marketers, there's a new game in town: LinkedIn Search Optimization, or LSO, as Paul Dunay dubs it in a recent Buzz Marketing for Technology post. You can use LinkedIn's advanced search feature—it's similar to plugging in keywords for a search engine query—to see where you and other technology executives appear. If you haven't already done so, it's a good time to explore LSO.

Start by searching for terms where you would expect the major executives in your company to appear, says Dunay. If they don't surface on the first page of the results, then edit the profiles to clarify what the individuals do and what their strengths are. Here are some specifics to keep in mind when editing an exec profile:

  • Use keyword-rich statements in bios and current role descriptions.
  • Make sure an exec's headline contains information on his/her current expertise—not last-job details, which is the default.
  • Email addresses should be at the end of the summary area or in the contact field labeled "public."
  • All execs should make a habit of frequent status updates.

"People in their network are most likely interested in their new projects and professional achievements—why not keep them abreast of what's happening so they can refer them to a friend," says Dunay.

He concludes by citing personal-branding expert Dan Schawbel, who suggests crafting profiles that are rich in common keywords such as "Facebook Marketing" and "Social Media."

The Po!nt: With LinkedIn emerging as an essential marketing tool, LSO is a new practice that B2B marketers need to keep a close watch on.

Source: BuzzMarketingforTechnology. Read full post here.

Check out our online seminar, New Tips on Marketing with LinkedIn Today, for the inside scoop on LinkedIn's newest features and tools from the company's community manager. For even more great info, get LinkedIn Success Stories, a new collection of 11 case studies on how companies are using LinkedIn to boost their marketing plans.

Lynne Jarman-Johnson is a Premium member of

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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