Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's Preposterous not to LOVE @Posterous!

I am in love. It IS February after all!

I love Posterous because:
1) It is easy to use.
2) It connects you to others.
3) It lets you share really cool articles and blogs.
4) It lets you "tag" articles and blogs into "groups" for easy reading. (duhh why did this take me so long to learn- now I have to go back to the beginning to tag fun stuff!)
5) It allows you to totally email or text posts.
6) It never yells at you.
7) It makes you look pretty with cool themes
8) It doesn't make you know what an HTML vs., RSS vs., EIEIO feed is
9) It is easy to use.
10) It never yells at you.

Why do YOU love Posterous!

PS: If you don't know what Posterous is - it is a blog posting service that is free and allows you to post through email, web and phone. THEN - it links up all your sites together!!! Way cool! Not using it?! Preposterous!

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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