Monday, November 23, 2009

Why The Smell of Christmas Can Be Good for Business! (And Life!)

My 13 year old son always surprises me. Just when I have had a day that comes at me like a wrecked train, my teen-ager will say something that is like an arrow full of goodness straight to my heart.  This week it was in the car ride home from hockey practice when he said out of the clear starlit sky, “Mom, Christmas Day Smells Good... Don’t You Think?”  I took the words in, knowing they were like a refill of energy - helping me to start another day. Luke’s words made me happy and that made me want to continue to jump into life and work. 

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Why is this important in business? Because it’s part of something I learned in a seminar on happiness this past week. Tim Cusack speaks about being happy and how happiness affects your work and life.  Tim says happier people will receive promotions and raises more often than unhappy people.  He talks about the “musts” of happiness and I am happy to repeat them here:
    Social.  Be in the moment. Find a friend.
    Optimistic. Let go of your ego. Listen. You don’t always have to be right.
    Appreciation. Be grateful and celebrate. Let people know.
    Purpose. Have passion. If you believe you are here for a purpose, embrace it.
    Yes. Say Yes more. Say Yes to more in life.

Christmas music fills our stores and  radios and it’s not even Thanksgiving. I complain about that a lot. Yet, as a young child pondered one day, “Christmas Day Smells Good, Don’t You Think?” Yes, I do. I’m grateful he shared his passion for the upcoming Holiday with me. I appreciate his allowing me to be in the moment with him as he thought about Christmas and all it holds in store for him as a child.  When asked, I will say YES - let’s crank up the Christmas music in the car. I’ll bet elves are happy and they work 24/7 this time of year!   Thanks Tim for the SOAPY lessens in life!  I know they will help me at work too! You can reach Tim at!

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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