Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Life Is Beautiful. Thank You Veterans.

My brother came to my wedding decked out in his “dress” uniform.  He looked much better than the bride. John was a Navy Man. John fixed those fighter planes that amaze us as they streak overhead. Can’t imagine what it was like to be on deck as they landed on those jets flew in for a landing on an aircraft carrier. John is in the picture above the day he retired from the Navy after 20 years of service.
My Dad would raise and lower the flag while my Mom played taps on the harmonica - every day and evening in the summer at our Cottage on Duck Lake. Dad was an Army Man. (He was also a Navy Man, but that’s another story) Dad was the on the first busload out of GR to fight in the Korean War.

My kids wake up every morning and head out the door.  They are free to go to a great school, eat waffles for breakfast, wear a designer label, and decide if they will work on that homework project they’ve been putting off.

My husband and I will worry about the next college tuition, that our kids are safe behind the wheel, that our hard work will continue to reap rewards. We will attend the next charity function with dear friends. We will laugh together as we raise our family.

My life is secure today. My life is safe today. My life is beautiful - because of you. You are my veteran. You are my pride. You are my hope for the future. Thank you.

God Bless all veterans today and every day. 

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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