Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ljj Speaks Blog Post: Consistency Confounds Competition! Your Bottom Line Depends on It!

It’s not easy being consistent. But it is great for the bottom line.  Why?  To be consistent you need to have a foundation, a base to work from. You need to know your goals so that you consistently reach them. You need to have a plan and stick to it. You need to be boring to some extent so you consistently tell your message over and over and over again.  Being consistent allows you the freedom to be creative and to be able to jump at new ideas and implement them.  

On the hour in Prague there is a changing of the guards at the Prague Castle. Visitors wait for the change like clockwork.  Visitors are also allowed to take photos close up with the guards. The ceremony is a delight to watch and it brings in tourism dollars. It’s a success because it’s performed at the same with the same ceremony and people rely on it to take place consistently.

Some people have brought a negative connotation to the word consistent. You’ve heard people say, “We’ll at least they are consistent,” like it’s a bad thing to be.  To be consistent means an individual or company is comfortable in their plan. They think ahead and consistently deliver what they say they will.

A Broadway play that runs consistently for weeks at a time does so because the stagehands, crew, actors all perform consistently at high levels. They say the same lines over and over and over. The set is the same each night. The music is performed at the same pitch and volume.  The perfection in consistency brings audience members back repeatedly.

Consistent is a great word. Merriam-Webster defines consistent as “to be marked by harmony.”  That has a nice ring to it.   If you’re consistent in your work you will confound your competition. You’ll rise above because you have a plan, you put the processes in place and you implement the plan, consistently.  Write down your goal and consistently work each day at the steps to achieving it.  Congratulate yourself when your goal is reached then start again! Be Consistent!

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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