Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fall Back.... & Spring Forward A New Plan!

Today we are reminded to turn the clocks back.  We are told to "fall back," turn the clocks one hour back in the Fall and "spring forward," turn the clocks one hour ahead in the Spring.

I love falling back.  Picture yourself falling back into bed to get one more hour of sleep. How about falling back into a pile of just raked leaves on a crisp November day?  We can also fall back to a great memory that makes us smile and warms our heart.

I also like to think of this day as a day to ponder if I have fallen back into bad habits I’m trying to break.  Perhaps I’ve fallen back into the same old routine at work and I need to jump start my attitude?  Have I fallen back in my work load or my commitment to completing a task on time? 

Am I falling back on outreaching to old friends and new contacts? Do I fall back on my share of the tasks I need to do to keep the home fires burning?  Am I falling back on my responsibilities as a wife, mom, friend and colleague?

All of us fall back from time to time.  It is then that we need a fall back plan.  My plan is one I've created that keeps me from falling back into negative attitudes, ho-hum work product and overall dissatisfaction in my day to day life. 

What is a fall back plan?  I try to do three things every day that I personally love to do. These are my “fall back” comforts that set the tone for the day and help me avoid falling back into the “same-old same-old” mentality. Mine will be different from yours.  

1. I love a cup of coffee in the quiet of the morning. I love to wrap my palms around the warmth of the mug.  My Soul rises right along with the steam, up to Heaven to Praise my God and the truly amazing world and people He created.

2. I love to a very specific lotion that smells comfortable and cozy. It’s called Laura Mercier Body and Bath and when I use it I feel wrapped up like a blanket - safe and ready to start my day. 

3. I read a great book from an author I love every night. It’s usually Vince Flynn or James Patterson or that type of genre.  I may only read two paragraphs before my eyes fall shut but I like to disengage my mind and enter a world of espionage and thrills. For those page turning  moments all worries or stress have vanished from my life. 

It’s ironic that falling back to three key comforts helps me take new chances and prepares me to be open to learn something new. I think it’s the routine of what I fall back to that allows me to be brave and spring forward to new areas I may not be comfortable with. Perhaps the same is true for you.

What are your three “comforts” you fall back to that trigger your fall back plan?  

Having  a fall back plan gives us the foundation to spring into new opportunities that come our way.

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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