Thursday, October 15, 2009

Now is the time to pray - 6 year old boy floating alone in experimental balloon craft.

NBC, and news services
updated 2:51 p.m. ET Oct. 15, 2009

FORT COLLINS. Colo. - Authorities were scouring the skies Thursday for a 6-year-old boy who reportedly unhooked his family's experimental balloon-powered aircraft and floated away from home, sheriff's officials said.

The Larimer County Sheriff's Department said the boy's family had been building an experimental aircraft that had a large helium balloon attached to it at their home, KUSA-TV reported. The aircraft was approximately 20 feet by 5 feet and covered in tin foil, the station said.

On Thursday morning, according to the family and officials, the boy got onto the aircraft and detached the rope holding it in place. Sheriff's spokeswoman Eloise Campanella said the boy climbed into the access door and the airborne device took off.

Several people in the neighborhood said they saw the aircraft floating over their homes and some snapped pictures.

Officials were scrambling to figure out how to rescue the boy.

The craft, which is shaped like a flying saucer, has the potential to rise to 10,000 feet, Campanella said. Sheriff's officials last saw the device floating south of Milliken, which is about 40 miles north of Denver.

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

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