Monday, October 5, 2009

Ig Nobel Public Health Prize Goes to Bra That Converts Into Gas Mask | Sustainability | Fast Company


A chemical attack on your city leaves you gasping for air. Luckily, your bra doubles as a pair of gas masks, saving the day for you and a friend. The "garment device convertible to one or more facemasks" won the Public Health Prize at this year's Ig Nobel Prize ceremony, which honors achievements that make people laugh and then think.


According to the bra's patent, "If a country or territory is facing an on-going threat of air contamination, there is a need for...regular civilians to have a higher degree of access to facemasks. However, it is often inconvenient, impractical, or burdensome for people to carry masks whereever they go." Designed by Dr. Elena Bodnar, the bra consists of two detachable cup sections that convert into facemasks, complete with filter and valve devices. The cups can be made of flexible materials like cotton, spandex, silk, or lace. No word on how much a gas mask would add to the bra's price.

The bra-cum-gas mask may be the most utilitarian of the Ig Nobel Prize winners. Other honorees of the Harvard-supported prize include a study examining whether it is better to be smashed over the head with a full beer bottle or an empty one, a group of chemists who created diamonds from tequila, an anthropologist who figured out why pregnant women don't fall over, and the Irish police department, which wrote more than 50 traffic tickets to someone named Prawo Jazdy ("driver's license" in Polish).

[Via UK Telegraph]

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Innovation, Ethonomics, ig nobel prize, harvard, elena bodnar, bra, chemical warfare, Elena Bodnar, United Kingdom, Ireland, Fashion and Style, Clothing and Accessories

Can't make this up.... So glad it can be worn by both genders!

Posted via web from Lynne's posterous

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