Monday, October 26, 2009

The Horror Of It All & The BOO of Business!

It’s a fun week.  Halloween week. It’s the week where many of us don a costume and freak out colleagues, friends and neighbors.  It’s also a “boo-tiful” time to look at ways we may be frightening clients and colleagues away - forever!   (insert scary music here)

You’re Mummified!
You’re so wrapped up in your own little world or projects you don’t take the time to see the changes around you.  You only care how you like to communicate - instead of learning how your client collaborates.  You stand still or lie down on the job and do not keep up with the work around you.  BEWARE: You are mummified and you need to break out of your mold NOW! 

You’re Dracula’s Debutant (or Dude)! 
You prey on the weakness of others. You sink your teeth into a project and you don’t share ideas or care how others can have an impact on the result. Your fangs are sharp and so is your tongue. You wait until you can smile with glee and have a sparkle on your fang as you take all the credit for the s“kill” of your team.  BEWARE: You are Dracula’s Debutante (or Dude)! There are plenty of people lurking near you with a stake and a hammer!  Step into the sunshine of teamwork and see if you survive! 

You’re a Ripper!
Your true name is Jack - and that’s a fact. You have no emotion toward coworkers and hide behind your “work only” attitude. You rip the fun right out of the workplace. You strike when you feel left out. BEWARE:  You’ve taken your marbles and replaced them with knives. You’re steely and no fun. Bring in some candy this week before it’s too late.

You’re Little Red’s “Grandma”!
You are sickly sweet and offer customers treats to entice them and then you rip off your mask the product is not what was offered - not even close! You engage people with “nice” and you “hide” your true intentions. BEWARE:  There are plenty of shiny red apples with no poison in them.  Your customers and colleagues will hunt them out and destroy yours.

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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