Monday, September 28, 2009

The Tude Matters

OK, you know who you are.

You are the person who belittles others without knowing them.
You have a “bad”itude.

You are the one who lends a helping hand without knowing who you are helping.
“You have a “grat”itude”

You are the gal who looks at new ideas and says disparaging things about them
You have a “mad”itude.

You are the guy who cheers on his kid - and all those on the team.
You have a “dad”itude.

You are the professional who looks at what others are doing and complains versus jumping in and collaborating.
You have a “sad”itude.

You are the colleague who asks why something isn’t working - and then really listens and tries to make things right.
You have a “can-do”itude

You are the individual who won’t listen to constructive criticism without turning it against the person sharing their thoughts.
You have a “I’m So Bad”itude.

You only jump in when the wave of positive comments will look good on you.
You have a “Fad” itude.

You are mean spirited.
You have a “Brat”itude.

You smile when someone does something nice - encouraging them.
You have a “glad”itude

You bring donuts to share work.
You have a “ironcladfriend” itude

You bring donuts and don’t share them at work.
You have an “eee-gad” itude

You hum when you work.
You have a “doodad” itude.

You stay in your cubicle three days in a row.
You have a “nomad”itude.

You say inappropriate things to anyone at any level.
You have a “cad”itude.

You include others in ideas and workload.
You have a “add” itude.

You read this and chuckle (and will try to eliminate the bad)
You have my kind of “attitude”

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