Monday, September 28, 2009

Heat of the Moment Anger Often Burns Others

I watched the replay of Serena Williams outburst at the US Open. She was angry and she let the lines-woman know it.

I watched a badminton game between two competitive brothers the same weekend. The younger brother took the loss and grabbed my camera as he stalked away. He did not want to be "seen" defeated.

I heard of Kanye West's rant when his "choice" didn't win the Music Video Award.

All three; Serena, my youngest son and Kanye showed immediate heat of the moment passion when their anger exploded for all to see and hear.

Some are reporting today that Serena's outburst is the best thing to happen to Women's Tennis because it has everyone buzzing about it.

My son will no doubt change his perception of his loss so he can keep his pride intact.

The true victor of the Music Video Award will never get back her time to bask in the moment of a victory- spoiled by Kanye's tantrum.
Heat of the moment anger is fun to watch. We all talk about it at the water cooler the next day. It's like an accident we can't keep our eyes from. But deep down we know what it feels like when we are the ones to "go off" on someone or something when we are on the losing end. We feel guilty and our anger simmers. And then everyone is talking about us.

Winning is easy. Lifting the trophy is easy. Reaction to losing or feeling cheated out of a win is very difficult. The more often we hold our head high and rise above the anger of the heat of the moment, the better off we will be as professionals.

In business and life we volley back and forth throughout the course of our days. We win some and we lose some. It is how react to losing that keeps us in the game and will lead us to a victory. Game on.

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