Monday, September 28, 2009

Come Sit A Spell

An open rocker on a front porch. It’s an open invitation for those strolling by. Our lives become so busy and stressful at times that we often forget to “stop and sit a spell.” When do we take the time to allow our minds to recharge?

This week I began hosting Vision Grand Rapids, LjjSpeaks! Less Stress More Success! on WJRW 1340 AM. Peter Bergman, author of Point B, a Short Guide to Leading Change, talked with me about his “18 minute plan for managing your day.” The take-away I learned from Peter is to stop what you’re doing every hour and schedule one minute to refocus. This ensures you’re working on your goals versus swerving off course. I now have an alarm in my iphone to remind me to take time to refocus and reenergize.

Every Monday at 2 PM in the afternoon I hope you’ll take the time to reenergize with me on WJRW 1340 AM. My radio show is just like that open rocker on a front porch. It’s an open invitation to come sit a spell. Relax, listen, make comments, and join in on our front porch conversation.

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