It was intentional. The walk to the nearby elementary school was intentional. As part of Living a Full Screen Life I had determined to make my Sunday one filled with exercise, readings and organization at life and home. (And a few family card games thrown in for good measure.)
I walked with my iPhone tuned into an Audible book, part II of The Absent One, a Department Q novel by Jussi Adler-Olsen. The time listening to detectives and mysterious unsolved investigations is a mind thrilling escape that I take part in daily. As I was walking I had every intention of heading to the playground and finding a swing set to hop onto. Walking up the driveway I could see the tops of the monkey bars. There is a big turn in the drive which leads your eyes to a woody area as you curve up the road. Smack dab in the straight line of my eyesight was a big maple tree with perfect climbing branches. The reason they were perfect is they began at the base. I'm a bit leery of jumping up and attempting to start a climb without a guarantee of a mere 12 inch drop at the end. These limbs were outstretched as if to say, come climb up no matter what your age!And so I did. As I perched upon the limbs about 6 branches from the forest floor I gazed up and snapped the picture of the tree limbs above me. Why climb a tree? For me, it is a symbol of continuing to reach for more every day. When you climb a tree you need to think ahead, plan your steps and look at the next move. If you falter you can stumble, fall and even break. There are many different moves you can make while climbing a tree. You can be risky and jump to the next level. You can be careful and only go so high or reach for more stable branches.There are many things we do in life that we stop doing as we grow older. We may feel we it's child's play and not worthy of our grown up world. Many people stop climbing trees well before they are adults. Perhaps they were reprimanded too often from concerned parents. I didn't wake up this morning thinking I was going to climb a tree. But I sure am glad I chose to grab a limb and start the climb, breaking the cautionary thought process that comes with experience and age. You may be feeling cautious about a project at work. You may be thinking you already know how to do something well and don't need to take that extra reach to get to the next level. If so, go find a tree and start the climb. As you relax and look at your surroundings from a bit higher vantage point you just may see things differently.C'mon - go find that tree!Posted via email from MoJoCMO
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