Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Day in the Life of My IPhone 5

One full day with my Iphone 5. My Iphone 4S met up with asphalt at a recent MSU game and I took advantage of my upgrade offer and ordered an Iphone5. The phone arrived in 2 days. Within an hour of opening the pretty white box I transferred my phone number, backed up from iCloud, and was in business. Today was my first full day with my Iphone5. Here's how we spent the day together: Checked the time in the morning when I woke up Sent a quick text to the family Saw a linked-In note and responded Sent a fun text to hubby Uploaded Chili-Cook off pictures to Facebook Album from evenings neighborhood challenge (Ours took 3rd!) Set up reminders for tasks for upcoming work week Read ZITE articles and tweeted interesting links Reviewed upcoming week on calendar "Watched" the Ryder Cup with the help of Twitter Did some banking online Researched oblong toilet seat lids Placed Amazon order of oblong toilet seat lid Played a few games of Words With Friends Placed address for Monday's off-site strategy session into Maps Downloaded Audible Book One Shot by Lee Child Sent photo of "found coat" in closet after cleaning to friends and family (no one has claimed it yet) Sent a few messages to Kids on Facebook Enjoyed the newsfeed on Facebook Reviewed news stories on Headlines App Wrote notes focusing an Escan Corporate Strategy Booklet Reviewed Pinterest and Instagram Shared a photo for work on FaceBook Plugged in for the night Set Alarm Am now unplugging myself My Iphone 4S is now happily hooked to our Bose system with Pandora rocking. My kids did have breakfast and dinner and we had 2 "breaks" for card games. I also helped my husband sort and organize the rooms of the house we are "blowing up and starting over" In other words - I had a very fun and productive day. Thanks Iphone5. I'm thinking of naming you. Any suggestions?

Posted via email from MoJoCMO

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