Happy New Year! Let's continue to LiveIt! in 2011! Today I share with you success.
I was very public about my desire to be more healthy and make my “liveit” a reality. I posted in December of 2009 (reposted below) that I would lose 25 pounds in 2010. It took until August to really kick this goal into high gear. I am not able to pin point why August - why 3/4 of the year went by with me continuing to embrace a lifestyle of poor choices. I do think it shows that you need to give yourself time and keep a positive attitude to succeed - to not berate yourself for lost time - but to start and then keep on starting!
I am proud to be able to say “Yes You Can!” because I did!
Here are my 7 steps to success for this year (and my liveit goal beside it for 2011)
Step One: Took the Interleukin Genetics, Inc. Swab test that came back showing I have metabolism craving for extreme exercise and pathetically low carbohydrate intake.
2011 LiveIt Goal: Continue to research new technologies and healthy options)
Step Two: Complained about the test results
2011 LiveIt Goal: Take each day at a time - don’t complain about that chocolate kiss I sometimes reward myself with!
Step Three: Embraced the test results and make slow changes.
2011 LiveIt Goal: Slow is the key word - keep focus and continue to make every day and every meal count!
Step Four: Purchased a Natuilus Mobia to jump start my exercise.
2011 LiveIt Goal: Begin placing diverse exercise into my routine - daily movement. Just learned about aquatherapy research (Thanks HydroWorx!) and am excited to get rocking.
Step Five: Actually get on the Mobia 2 times a week
2011 Repeat LiveIt Goal above! Tone the body!!!
Step Six: Begin eliminating carbs. Deleted all pastas, breads and potatoes from diet. (Once this happened the results were dramatic.) I still “liveit” with chocolate!
2011 LiveIt Goal: I now don’t think about pastas / breads and fatty starches. It’s just a new lifestyle of choice for me and I feel better than ever!
Step Seven: Began to park farther away and walk up stairs to all meetings/ events.
2011 LiveIt Goal: Plan time into the day to walk to/from more places
My “liveit” mentality has allowed me to embrace new and exciting ventures and to embrace my number one goal to create changes in my life that will have long-term positive impact for myself and others. What are your “liveit” goals for 2011?
My December 2009 I repost below:
Diet and exercise rank as one of the top New Year Resolutions year after year after year. Have you made your resolution? 40-45% of American adults make one or more. How many are maintained?
Nearly 1/2 of Americans who make resolutions keep them in the first 6 months.*
- past the first week: 75%
- past 2 weeks: 71%
- after one month: 64%
- after 6 months: 46%
The Wall Street Journal reports only 19% of us have kept a resolution 2 years after making it.
My resolution as many of you already know from a previous posting is to lose 25 pounds in 2010. (goal is 39 long term). I’ve written it in my work and play blog - I’ve posted for all to see. This is one of the recommendations given to me by motivational coach Tony Gates. I’ve definitely followed his recommendation and made my goal public!
To ensure my success, I am going to now focus on the steps I will take to LIVEit! In 2010.
- Laugh! Let it be said that I will not go on a diet. Diet has the word DIE in it - I’m going for all out lifestyle change. I will laugh at myself and laugh more in my life. I am not afraid to laugh out loud I refuse to let others laugh at me, I will instead welcome them to laugh along with me. Laughing keeps me healthy from the inside out. Let’s make laughter our #1 ringtone in 2010!
- Invest. I will invest time. I will invest in the time it takes to listen to others. I will listen to my inside voice telling me what I truly want to do professionally. I will invest in learning new ways to make my goals a reality. I will be proud in the knowledge that my most important investments are time with my family, and time spent helping colleagues and clients become better at what they do! Let’s invest in each other in 2010!
- Visibly post my goals. I will keep a visible reminder of each goal in a very public place for me to see every day. I will encourage others to know what that reminder is and to help me stay excited about the goal I’ve set. I will stay visibly involved in my goal. Let’s become visibly supportive in 2010!
- Engage. I will engage others to join in the Liveit! mentality. I will engage my passion each day. I will engage in learning new skills to help me reach my goal. I will be engaged at each meeting, Each day I will engage in a conversation with a stranger. I will also engage others by learning about their goals for success. Let’s make 2010 the year of engagement!
We can LIVEit! Up together in 2010! (and now 2011!) We can beat the bad economy mentality. We can enjoy a new year and a new reality and make our resolutions positively affect each and every day!