Sunday, November 21, 2010

LjjSpeaks: Thankful for...

There is so much to be thankful for.

I'm thankful for the kind older gentleman who thanked me with a grin after giving him directions.
I'm thankful my son noticed and thought it was cool.
I'm thankful for my kids who are so very very independent and have a beautiful life and future ahead of them.
I'm thankful for my husband who is my partner in every sense of the word.
I'm thankful for my family near and far.
I'm thankful for the coffee at work.
I'm thankful for my colleagues who brainstorm, build on our mission. help us all succeed.
I'm thankful for the friends I don't need to see every day - yet they know they are my friends - always.
I'm thankful for my dog Molly and my tortoise Sparticus.
I'm thankful for my Mom.
I'm thankful for the memories of my Dad, Big Bro Uncle Heinz, Laureen & Lo, Zach, Michael and Allie.
I'm thankful I love to work.
I'm thankful I love to smile.
I'm thankful for new attitudes.
I'm thankful for historical values.
I'm thankful my computer works -even though the "D" sticks
I'm thankful for Apple Ipad / Iphone Apps
I'm thankful for Facebook, Twitter, Linked In Friends
I'm thankful for the confidence boosting gifts of very special friends -(you know who you are)
I'm thankful for best friends.
I'm thankful for nail polish that doesn't chip after one day.
I'm thankful for a great hairdresser.
I'm thankful for more coffee at work (that we share)
I'm thankful for feeling awesome at nearly 1/2 a century.
I'm thankful for downtown Grand Rapids.
I'm thankful for Hockey.
I'm thankful for Theatre & The Arts.
I'm thankful I-96 is open.
I'm thankful for my sister's inane phone calls.
I'm thankful for my sister-in-law's funny voice messages.
I'm thankful for thank you cards and nice gift surprises in the mail.
I'm thankful for success.
I'm thankful for challenges.
I'm thankful.

What are you thankful for?

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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