Thursday, December 23, 2010

LjjSpeaks Blogpost: All Is Calm. All Is Bright.

By Lynne Jarman-Johnson

It is a beautiful eve of Christmas Eve. Are you running around trying to get end-of-year projects complete or wrapping up last-minute shopping?  We all try to be super-people this time of year when the true spirit unfolds in these lyrics: All is calm. All is bright.

All is calm. There is Hope in the words included in the song Silent Night. A Hope that your world can be organized, peaceful, and smooth.  Do you find yourself calm? Or are you stressed, hectic and disheveled?

I woke up this morning late. I arrived to a meeting 15 minutes late, only to learn I was 45 minutes early. All is now calm as I write this post, sipping coffee while gazing at a perfectly lit Christmas tree downtown. A man came in and ordered coffee to go - hurriedly sat down to put pen to an important Christmas card. I asked him if he was on a mission. He said "yes - to not get caught writing this before my friend arrives." The friend showed up after the card was sealed. All is calm.

Last night my husband and I reconnected with old friends - colleagues who are now so much more than that. We shared the stresses in our lives. We shared the updates of children becoming adults and the harried lives we lead. We shared our fears for our works and successes. When we wrapped up our evening we all celebrated the shared connections that keep us grounded in knowing we are all on paths intended for us, wherever those paths may take us. We have the solid foundation of deep and lasting relationships to fall back on. All is calm. 

All is bright. The year has been an amazingly topsy-turvy roller coaster of life. In work there is such change. There is not many people who can boast the economy did not impact their focus. Perhaps you suffered a job loss or disappointment in the workplace. Maybe something happened in your personal life to shake you to the core. Major changes in life, even exciting announcements like engagements or a child's accomplishment's that take them to exciting new places are wonderfully accepted with the underlying fault line that rocks your world. Will you  fall into the crevices created by a changing landscape or seal the cracks with mentorship, support and Faith? 

I choose to celebrate the hustle and bustle. I choose to wrap up the year on the highest note of Hope. I am grateful for colleagues, friends, family, and smiling strangers. Bring on the New Year!  All is bright!

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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