Sunday, November 6, 2011


This may be TMI but.....  a helpful hint in the texting world.

First, here is the answer to the age old question: 

What is the difference between SMS and MMS?

This has been bugging me for quite some time because I often look like a deer in headlights when someone says either term -I always forget - yet I am always MSing someone or some place all of the time! 


     SMS is Short Messaging Service.  It allows you to send a Text Message Only.


     MMS is MultiMedia Messaging Service.  It allows you to send Text/Pictures/ Vidoes/ Graphics


Now did you know that some phones allow for GROUP texting.  This is great but if you have your "group" on - then all people in the group MAY be able to read the responses.  This may cause concern if the group does not know you sent a message to Tammy, Bill and Sara - and Sara responded back - "Just don't invite Bill!"   ( Bill may be able to  see the response! Bill is such a nice guy too! )


Check your account settings to see if you have "group" activation.  Esure you always use polite texting and you'll have no worries.


PS:  TMI is Too Much Information






Posted via email from LifeWithLynne

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