Friday, November 11, 2011

11.11.11. Mine Eyes Go Toward Heaven


Mine eyes go toward Heaven .
In grateful honor and memory to my chosen 11 Veterans:

Dad Robert J. Jarman
Brother John
Brother in law Andy
Uncle Heinz
Uncle Bob
Uncle Cecil
Cousin Rick
Families supporting our troops
Children of troops serving today
Those serving around our Globe
Those serving Home Sweet Home

God Bless The United States of America!

Posted via email from LifeWithLynne

Planning Ahead is Much More Fun than Falling Behind.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


This may be TMI but.....  a helpful hint in the texting world.

First, here is the answer to the age old question: 

What is the difference between SMS and MMS?

This has been bugging me for quite some time because I often look like a deer in headlights when someone says either term -I always forget - yet I am always MSing someone or some place all of the time! 


     SMS is Short Messaging Service.  It allows you to send a Text Message Only.


     MMS is MultiMedia Messaging Service.  It allows you to send Text/Pictures/ Vidoes/ Graphics


Now did you know that some phones allow for GROUP texting.  This is great but if you have your "group" on - then all people in the group MAY be able to read the responses.  This may cause concern if the group does not know you sent a message to Tammy, Bill and Sara - and Sara responded back - "Just don't invite Bill!"   ( Bill may be able to  see the response! Bill is such a nice guy too! )


Check your account settings to see if you have "group" activation.  Esure you always use polite texting and you'll have no worries.


PS:  TMI is Too Much Information






Posted via email from LifeWithLynne