Friday, June 3, 2011

LjjSpeaks BlogPost: 5 Lessons Learned While Dealing With Life Changing Stress

5 Lessons Learned While Dealing With Life Changing Stress
Lynne Jarman-Johnson   |

The garage is full.  
It is full of mismatched furniture that when put together will create a new home.
In the past year there has been big swings of change in my work and life.  In just 8 months the following has occurred: 
Career changes
Daughter #1 getting married
Son #1 successfully transitions to college
Daughter #2 successfully transitions to grad school
Daughters #3 and Son #2 successful in High School
Daughter #4 successfully transitioning to Highs School
Moving daughter #1 across the state
Husband gratefully working great amount of  hours
Home is full of exactly 1/2 the people we had a year ago

It's easy to understand how at times I feel as mismatched as the furniture awaiting a new home.  All of the above are positive life changes.  But they are changes just the same. 

Those who know me well know that I am a "do-it-now-a-holic."  I love to work.  Right now there is down time in my world while I find the right fit for my next career move.  In that down time I've learned an invaluable lesson:  Positive stress impacts you as much as negative stress.  I'm also learning how to keep stress in check to help me move up and forward, not down and out. Here are some tips I've learned on my journey this year: 

Be grateful:
You've heard the phrase "what's your bucket list."  A bucket list is that list you carry of things you want to do. How about creating your bucket list of the things you are proud you've accomplished.  Look at the list and thank those who helped you in your accomplishments.   Take the time to think about what you are grateful for and be proud of what you've done.  You cannot be too grateful.  

Be organized
When you have down time it is easy to become less organized.  Yet this is the time  you need to be even more organized.  Keeping organization around you helps you stay focused and busy.  This is critical with change.  Take time to organize your finances, your home, even your closet.   The more you accomplish (even if an accomplishment is to relax more) the more positive you stay while change is swirling around you. 

Be open
Share your story.  Let people know that you are facing major changes in your life and you may need an ear to bend.  If you know someone facing positive stresses (or negative) send a quick text or pick up the phone to let them know you are thinking of them.  Don't be afraid to share your needs or ask for help.
If you are job hunting let people know.  Don't assume your friends, family or colleagues know about your needs. They don't - because they have needs of their own.  Most often, once people know what you are looking for, they are more than willing (and grateful)  to help you succeed.

Be healthy
In the past year I've lost 35 pounds and I now exercise.  Really truly exercise.  I hate exercising.  I do love to walk  but my walk is a stroll compared to others who "speed walk" in town.  I took the time to learn about my body's needs ( and have changed my live-it with amazing success.  The moving of my body has really been a key factor in positive stress success. If someone who hates exercise can make themselves move more each day then anyone can.  It's not about a time allotment - it's about getting up and moving - and learning what is best for you to help you get and stay healthy. 

Be positive
Who wants to be around a person who is down all the time?  Keeping a positive attitude can make or break your success.  I just completed a walk for a great cause - it was called Stomp Out Stigma and focused on mental health.  (  The event brings to light the need to let people know that depression can and should be treated.  The stigma is that people don't want to talk about depression.  They hide their feelings.  It's not easy keeping a positive attitude when you are facing great changes.  Reach out to others, talk to your Dr., and keep positive people in your life.  Share your feelings.  I write a daily positive note - you can share yours or receive my missives by signing up for the daily BPositv! notes at

Positive stress impacts you as much as negative stress.  Today the furniture is getting picked up and moved across #PureMichigan. It will be great to have an open garage - ready for the next positive change that is coming into our lives. 

Lynne Jarman-Johnson

Executive Level Communication & Marketing Professional Available to Bring 20+ Year Skill Set to top-quality organization.

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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