Tuesday, September 7, 2010

LjjSpeaks Blog Post: Crossing The Line On Facebook. Where Work and Life Collide.

My husband just joined Facebook.  The man who didn’t own a computer 5 years ago - who didn’t know how to turn on a smart phone now is online, connected, armed and dangerous.

The first thing he did as he accepted “friends” was ask “Do I know this person? Do I want this person to know what I’m doing? How do people already know to ask me attorney questions?” 

Facebook knows all, and it’s not afraid to expose your deepest, darkest secrets to the world with a little help from you and your connections.

The power of Facebook and other social networking sights is real. How we each communicate with the tool that is connecting and watching our every move is important.  The number one lesson I try to share about Facebook is that it is a very personal communication tool.   The minute you post anything about your work, colleagues or “day at the office” you have crossed the line where work and life collide.  This collision can be uplifting or it can be very damaging.  

I just learned that in some schools they now have a “no Solo cup policy.”  If you are pictured with Solo Cup in your hand posted on a friend’s wall you can face consequences. It doesn’t matter that you may be drinking a non-alcoholic drink, it’s a no-tolerance policy that is strictly enforced.  (I know one person who has a Minor In Possession on his record due to this new “rule” handed out by a law enforcement officer at a campus party)   Let’s count the number of Solo cups from labor day parties that were posted on Facebook.  Has the Solo cup  become a symbol of punishment? Is it something “funny” to post at the time - yet could become a potential career buster? 

Staying connected is part of what makes us all enjoy our days and continue to strive for success.  As we move toward a more connected world, let’s also move toward a “think before you post” mentality.  

Be nice to people.
Ask before posting photos.
Remember that your “friends” can also be your colleagues - 
    be respectful of your work and theirs.
If you need to vent - scream in the shower - not over the internet.

Let’s keep connecting - and communicating.
Let's B-Postive! (It’s not a blood type!)

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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