Monday, April 12, 2010

Awesome Matrix: How To Choose Social Media Programs by Brand, Lifestyle, Product or Location | Jeremiah Owyang

Matrix: How To Choose Social Media Programs by Brand, Lifestyle, Product or Location

Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang

Origiinal Post:

Brands confused by choices on how to deploy social media programs
I recently spoke to the global marketing team at a large technology company, and one of the questions being wrestled with was deciding if social media efforts should be setup by brand, vs product teams wanting to create their own unique pages and experiences.  A specific question emerged “Should we setup our efforts by product type or by brand?” There are drawbacks and upsides to each of these, and I wanted to layout the ramifications.

[Whether companies setup their social programs by 'Brand, Lifestyle, Product, or Location' they must choose wisely. Each deployment has a different benefit and drawback --the savvy will use in combination.]

Brands who choose poorly risk community backlash -those that do not choose risk worse
Companies that choose poorly will have wasted internal efforts and resources, set up false expectations for customers and may struggle with trying to redact a program in public where customers are already assembling. In particular, social failures like Wal-Mart’s branded community ‘The Hub’ have now become a case study of doing it wrong. Yet having no strategy means that product teams, regional teams, and individual regions will do whatever they want –causing clean up for corporate late.

Matrix: How To Choose Social Media Programs by Brand, Lifestyle, Product or Location | 

Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang

How to Choose The Right Mix:

  • First, be customer focused. Companies should first identify the social graphics of their customer base to understand where they are online.  Secondly, they should understand their social behaviors, who influences them, and how they influence others.  In most cases, customers have already assembled their own communities and analysis should be done on how to join them where they already are.
  • For best results, use in combinations. Rarely is the world an ‘or’ but an ‘and’.  Companies should know when to use these in an orchestrated combinations.  Sophisticated social strategists are mapping all of their programs against marketing funnels to know which tool should be used during what customer phase.
  • Think long term –not just by campaign. Don’t launch short term social efforts unless it’s just around a single event and the expectations are clearly set up front.  Grown fans, followers, or subscribers is an investment that will cost you, so plan on doing this for the long term –not a short one-off campaign.  Remember, in most cases, customer communities have been here before your brand was on the social web, and likely they will be here after your brand.

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

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