Monday, December 24, 2012


If a child can do this, why can't we?

Bring peace to your own tiny corner of the world.  

Bring hope to your table as you sit down to eat. 

Bring joy to those you love most.

Bring heart to those who you may have ignored.

Bring thanks to your frustrations.

Bring miracles to your everyday routines.

Bring open doors to your neighbors.

Bring love.  Everywhere.


On this Christmas Eve, in the quiet of the morning, I bring you my hope that your day is filled with childlike wonder.  See this Christmas through the eyes of a child, a very special child.  He brings Hope, Peace, Joy, Gratitude and Miracles to you every day.  His heart is open to you always with the greatest of these gifts.  Love. Bring it.



Posted via email from MoJoCMO