Thursday, April 28, 2011

Some quotes are meant to share - over and over and over again. Thank you Mother Theresa!

"People are often unreasonable, illogical,
and self-centered; forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, 
People may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, 
you will win some
false friends and some 
true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could 
destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity 
and happiness,
there may be jealousy; 
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today,
people will often 
forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the 
best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give the world the 
best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis,
it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway."

Mother Teresa

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

LjjSpeaks: Be grateful and your day will be full indeed.

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Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

LjjSpeaks BlogPost: Exiting Gracefully - Helping Someone Who Has Been Terminated.

I would take bets that there isn't anyone reading this who does not know someone or has not themselves been let go from a position they loved.

The community of Grand Rapids is abuzz. Suzanne Geha•, a television news anchor who has been in the market for 30 years as the main anchor of the nightly local news was let go. No fanfare, no party, just a short announcement presented to the local paper. In your home one night, gone the next. For many loyal viewers her absence will be as shocking as a death.

The most common thread of conversation centers around how could someone so public, some say iconic, be let go without what seems to be any care? What does that say of the company's loyalty?

To discuss how the company could have announced this most recent public parting of ways is not the point of this blog. It's estimated 7.9 million jobs were lost in the recent recession**. Jobs = People. Let's face it, there will be more people we know abruptly fired. There are behind the scenes factors we will never know surrounding the reasons for a job termination.

While we can't change what has happened to our colleague or friend, we can support them and help them exit gracefully. If a termination happens to us we can do the same - exit gracefully. Bitterness brings people down. Short term it is easy to complain about what has happened; long term who doesn't get tired of complainers.

Today there is a person who was, by nature of her job, in our homes in Grand Rapids 5 days a week (more if there was breaking news). She told us about local people and places. I had the opportunity to work with Suzanne Geha when I was a news producer. Great memories of great times - and she is one classy individual. Today, let's help Suzi as she exits gracefully. At some point today post on your status "Thank You Suzi." Use your tools of Twitter, Facebook, Linked In and more. Why so public? Suzi's job is public. She deserves to be told she was valued by the viewers who let her into their homes.

You know others who are not in the public eye who have lost their job. Today send a private message letting them know you support them.
Today is the day to say thank you - you matter.

After all, the more graceful an exit the more grand a re-entry!


Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

LjjSpeaks Blogpost: Here's The Thing.

"Here's The Thing...."

Have you ever started a sentence with those three words?

What is "the thing."

Most often "the thing" is something you may be trying to avoid so you don't put concrete words to it - it just becomes "the thing."
How can "the thing" help anyone? Can "the thing" move your team in a better direction? Is "the thing" an amazing new tool to help you communicate more effectively or efficiently?

The thing is, there's nothing that works better than clear, open and direct communication.

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

Monday, April 18, 2011

LjjSpeaks: #Lowe's Safety Plan Saved Lives. Is your company ready? Plan, Practice and Implement!

Plan. Practice. Implement.

My daughter was in a movie theatre when the storms hit.  The skies were cloudy and spitting rain when she went inside and sunny when she came outside.
She did not realize that less than 20 miles away entire neighborhoods were destroyed by the spring tornadoes experts are saying were the worst in 20 years.

One story that has come to light following the storms is the "communication plan" that worked.  Lowe's employees took immediate steps to bring over 100 people to safety during a tornado that hit the store in Sanford, North Carolina.   The news reports showcase employees who were trained, calm and did everything right during a real emergency.

It's time to look at your own plan.  More importantly - it's time to practice it.   Emergency plans should be created and practiced consistently.
Does your family at work or home know the places they need to go if an emergency occurs? Do they know the phone numbers to call?  Do they know the smart step by step action plan to take?

While serving as Interim Executive Communication Director at Grand Rapids Community College we had a tornado warning issued.  The plan was in place but key employees were new and had never practiced the drill.  The practice is the key.  When you practice your plan you see key components you may have missed.  You also see how quickly technology has changed and the need to be up to date on technology to harness and mobilize people in a proactive, safe way.  GRCC's story was that no tornado touched down and we learned key steps in the plan to fix and communicate to staff, students and our communities. 

Lowe's communication safety example is one to follow.  You can read about the success of a plan that had been planned, practiced and implemented here:

Read about how to set up your safety plan for home or work.   

Communication plans are very effective when you focus on:
Planning, Practicing, Implementation.   Let's all learn from what helped save over 100 lives in North Carolina.  Let's practice the plan today! If you don't have a plan - create one, practice it.  

Congratulations to Lowe's for the work their company put into place to help us all plan ahead for safety!

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

PLEASE READ: Beware: Grandparent Scam Is REAL - and Very Believable - ask Grandma Betty.

If she didn't say it was my nephew on the phone I would have thought - oh here it is - a person trying to scam an older adult out of money.
But my mom (Who many of you know) called to say our nephew had called and she spoke with him. He was in a car accident and in trouble and needed help to get out of jail. My mom spoke to her "grandson." She asked him questions that he knew the answers to. His voice was that of my nephew down in Florida. He begged his "Grandma" not to tell anyone that he called her because he was too embarrassed to call his mom.

Then he gave the phone to another individual who was "from the court system" who requested $4,800 to have the issues go away and no court date would be needed. My nephew would then have a clean record.

My mom took the initiative to tell the "officer" that she wanted him to call her son-in-law who is an attorney. The person immediately hung up.

For a brief period of time our entire family thought my nephew was in trouble and needed help. My mom, understandably, was very upset. She did reach her grandson and found out he was fine and safe at home.

I explained the situation to a friend who said the same thing happened to a family she knows. A young person called sounding exactly like their grandson.
They totally thought it was him. They did not give money but the first inclination was to try to help.

If you know any older adults who may have this happen to them please let them know immediately.

The voices sound exactly like their grandchildren. I've been told phone calls, or Xbox Live games - computer voice games may be how the people impersonate the voices. Obviously they link up online to get details about the individuals who they call so they can sound authentic.

Please let everyone know to beware of this issue. It is real and many people are getting taken. I read online that one family was taken for $20,000!
Call your aunts, uncles, moms & dads - share this post with your family and friends.

Posted via email from LJJ Speaks!